Inserting a Wiim Pro between CD Player and DAC to facilitate room EQ?


Nov 21, 2023
Hi folks! As a Roon user I have always been put off getting a CD player because I use the Roon streaming platform MUSE DSP EQ for room correction. But it occurred to me the other day that I could possibly use my Wiim Pro (which is dealing with headphone gear streaming duties at present) as a sort of cheap MiniDSP type EQ box (using the 10 band PEQ) and insert this between a CD player and my main listening room DAC.

Does this sound doable, has anyone used the Wiim purely as a way to get DSP room EQ for a stand alone CD player (used as a transport via Toslink obviously) this way? I could even replace my Lumin U1 Mini and let it do full streaming duties, but that would surely be a backward step... I daren't even try unless it isn't!! 😁

I can't seem to find out what the DSP processing engine is in the Wiim Pro, I think it works at 32bit, so I am presuming if I input a standard 16bit/44.1from the CD player this will be upsampled, EQ employed, downsampled and squirted out via coax SPDF at 16bit 44.1 again? Obviously Wiim don't major on this so info seems a bot scarce, but us just very useful that it has inputs at all, great idea!
Sure, it's doable.
Wiim have said it works at 32 bits, but I think we're unclear (at least I'm not totally clear) whether up/downsampling occurs too, compared to some other dsp units that we know resample to, say, 96khz to perform dsp. It would seem strange to me to resample for dsp then resample again to put it back to whatever came in.
There's been recent discussion on issues with resampling 16bits to 24bits, but that's been in relation to fixed sampling output I believe. Again, whether this occurs for dsp is unclear to me, but my previous comment re resampling twice stands.

Anyway, just try it...
I use a Wiim pro on my desk for such a reason. PC, cd attached by usb, to ddc to Wiim pro toslink in. Can use RC or eq dependent on need and switch to the Pro for multiroom or even streaming if needed but mostly use the PC for content provision. Works seamlessly. 👍