Line In Requires Reboot if Switching Between Inputs


New member
Jan 12, 2025
Prior to the latest updates I could switch the inputs on my app or remote from TV, or streaming to the line in and it would output to the speakers. Now when I switch from a different input to line in, nothing outputs to the speakers until I reboot the Wiim Amp.
Please submit a ticket to WiiM via the more/feedback section in the app so they can inspect your device logs.
I have te same problem and it must have something to do with the lastest updated indeed, because earlier this was fine. Mostly I do listen to "Ethernet" ouput, but when I switch to "Line In" there is no sound, only reboot helps and then the sound is immediately fine. I don't think this is important, but the signal is sent by a desktop DAC.
Remove the power cord for a couple of minutes, then reconnect.

If the issue remains, send feedback through the WiiM Home app (More > Send us feedback) right after you notice this behaviour and prior to a reboot.
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Just a small update: at first glance removing the power cable for a few minutes helped and after rebooting the device the Line In audio was playing. But I tried to change between the sources a few times and the problem seems still to persist, but in another way: sometimes after switching to Line In the signal disappears after 1-3 seconds (it's different every time) and sometimes come back after few seconds, sometimes 10 or more and sometimes the signal disappears and doesn't come back at all. Another reboot doesn't help here. This behaviour seems to be totally erratic. Sent feedback.
Yes it is erratic and the line in will default to another input after a second or 2 even though I have auto detect line in and my phono input is on and sending a signal. I also sent feedback.
That's kind of funny, because this is again some random behaviour, in my case the input doesn't switch at all and stays on line in forever:)