
For some reason I can’t very Mixcloud to play through LMS either. Have never been able to sort out why. Did you need to do anything special to get it to work through LMS? Everything else works fine on that platform.
I can’t get Mixcloud to play through LMS. It loads the program but when I attempt to play it it isn’t able to start.
No, not really 🤔
I just setup LMS a month ago or so on a fresh debian install. I installed mixcloud plugin and it just works. The cool thing is, when installing the upnp/dlna bridge, I can even use LMS to play mixcloud mixes on my Yamaha MusicCast 👍

Please note: my LMS is running as a VM on an intel box (not ARM or any other type of CPU). Should you have issues, I guess you better ask the LMS people for help. There's a thread specifically on the mixcloud plugin -> https://forums.slimdevices.com/foru...ftware/1700397-announce-mixcloud-plugin/page2
I can't get to Mixcloud to work on my LMS. Nothing I do seems to work. But Mixcloud works fine when I cast to Wiim so for my needs that's good enough.