My first week with the PRO


Active member
Apr 12, 2023
Had my Pro for a week now, no major issues, hooked up the ethernet with a Blue Jeans cable yesterday and it's been flawless. It was great on wifi also.
Sometimes it has a problem waking up after being in standby for a while, and I have to restart the app, but not all the time, seems like it depends on how long its been in standby.
Other than that, I was really happy to find that Open Network Stream feature, I have been reading about and contemplating getting a Wiim from before the Pro came out, and I never saw were that feature was mentioned.
Now if they could just add some cover artwork would been nice.

I actually had a IFI Zen stream on order to compare, but I canceled it, couldn't bother.
Re artwork, it can depend on whether it’s available or if the url entered provides a means of supplying that
Yeah , you're right, I bet they would allow it they could stick that donate button on there.
I've had my Pro for about a week now, too. (I've had a Mini for about 2 months now.) Both of them are great buys for the money, and very easy to set up. I've just got a couple of items on my wish list for this product. First, I wish they'd get to work on the software. It seems odd there is still no way to clear a queue, nor to add whole albums to a current playlist. I asked support about these features back in February and was told to expect them in the March update, but they were a no-show. The other feature I would like is a USB output so that I could use them with my preamp which has an internal DAC that only has a USB input.
First, I wish they'd get to work on the software. It seems odd there is still no way to clear a queue, nor to add whole albums to a current playlist. I asked support about these features back in February and was told to expect them in the March update, but they were a no-show. The other feature I would like is a USB output so that I could use them with my preamp which has an internal DAC that only has a USB input.
Those are great ideas.

At first I thought the App was junk, but once it started working properly (responding), it is actually very good! I tried 3 paid apps and find the WiiM app to be my go to app. My suggestion is to reduce the number of keystrokes to get to get from Home Music Share to the Artist, Album screen.

"Music Services" has a "manage" button so you can turn off choices that you do not use. I would also like to be able to turn off "Preset Content", "Favorites", "My Music", and "Recently Played" too (manage). Also, Obviously I really like the "Manage" button to turn on and off services on the Browse screen, but it, and the ability to do what I just suggested would be better in the settings screen.

My 4 WiiMs are working great, but I rarely see or touch them as the app is the face of the product. It properly starts on Devices, you choose music and play it. It is very intuitive, but the screen that lists the tracks in the queue has the Now Playing near the bottom. The Now Playing should be just a bit taller to differentiate it. Even knowing where it is I often just think it is just another track at the end of the list.

Esthetics mean a lot, especially for a product that is exclusively used on an app. A few changes could really enhance the user experience.

Many of us no longer need several 17" wide components stacked up. The WiiM is my only source, and amplifiers are very small now. As @mlsstl mentioned, a USB out would be nice as many users have nice amps have a great DAC.

There is a lot of technology that I don't know of, understand, or need, but I'm glad I found this as it perfectly unifies my music around the house, I hope you can reach more potential customers!