My setup with my pro plus


New member
May 4, 2024
I really have to say, I am loving my Wiim. My system setup is as follows...

Wiim pro plus to a SMSL Do100 pro dac. I go balanced from the dac to my schiit freya plus. From the preamp I am single ended to my Conrad Johnson mv55 tube amp. From there I have 15 inch full range Audio Nirvana alnico drivers in ported bass reflex speakers. Amazing sound.

Depending on which tube combination I use in the Schiit Freya, that determines the sound that I get from my system. Circa 1935 6sn7 Sylvania tubes with 6sn7 Raytheon will give the most warmly intimate sound stage, whereas replacing the Raytheons to GE 7n7 tubes will give tighter bass and a great sound for rock music.

I am currently setting up a Roon system. Just waiting on the NUC to come in from ebay. I was totally analog before the Wiim with about 600 albums (vinyl, not cd) so streaming is a huge change for me. It's a nice integration to my current system.