Need info on Wiim Pro firmware 4.8.623635


Oct 25, 2022
Wiim Pro unexpectedly updated to firmware 4.8.623635 without warning or post-installation confirmation. Searched Wiim forums and roadmap for information, but found nothing about this version. Puzzled by the lack of documentation or user discussions. Are other users experiencing this, or am I overlooking something? Any insights on changes or the update process would be appreciated.
Wiim Pro unexpectedly updated to firmware 4.8.623635 without warning or post-installation confirmation. Searched Wiim forums and roadmap for information, but found nothing about this version. Puzzled by the lack of documentation or user discussions. Are other users experiencing this, or am I overlooking something? Any insights on changes or the update process would be appreciated.
Did you sign up on beta? It doesn’t listed on release note on their website.
I don't recall if I signed up for beta releases previously. Regardless, I should have been notified about any significant changes or improvements made.
I don't recall if I signed up for beta releases previously. Regardless, I should have been notified about any significant changes or improvements made.
You could send message from wiim app and ask what does that firmware include?