Off Topic - Bluetooth Turntable


Senior Member
Nov 15, 2022
Vancouver BC
I am trying to help out a senior with very little money who would like to listen to his record collection again. He has a Bluetooth-compatible hearing air that devices can stream to. I recommended Spotify, as it probably has all his albums anyways. He is curious if this BT Turntable would be the best solution.

Can I ask you, smart folks, your thoughts with thanks?

More or less the same question. A neighbour who owns a relatively cheap turntable that offers bt output is looking for his first streamer with his existing Spotify account. Would be the WiiM Pro a good solution or is anyone running such a setup?
In answer to both questions, I guess if they’re comfortable with using the Wiim home app to change the audio input on a Wiim device to select bluetooth input from the turntable or wifi for Spotify, and similarly select audio output for the hearing aid or for analogue/digital connection output into a stereo system, then a Mini would suffice as I’d guess you’d only want or need a Pro if you prefer coax output or Ethernet connectivity.