Queue only appears to support one streaming source


Oct 1, 2024
I'm a long standing Sonos user (more than a decade) but I've pretty much run out of patience with them so am looking at alternatives.

I have access to a Wiim mini but have noticed that it doesn't consistently allow me to build a playback queue from more than one source.

I have streaming accounts with Tidal, Amazon and Spotify and I also have a large collection (~1K albums) in flac files on a NAS (samba share) with Asset UPnP running on the NAS. Wiim is able to search and play files from Asset UPnP in my setup without issue.

When using Sonos I'd generally use the Sonos app (Android phone) to search across all of the streaming sources (including local NAS library) and simply add to the queue at will, usually I'll favour the local version of a track if I have it but most of the time I end up with a queue of tracks sourced from different streaming services along with some files from my local network (Sonos doesn't need a UPnP server since it can read SMB shares). It looks like the Wiim mini doesn't support this use case (at least not all the time...it's inconsistent).

The most frequent behaviour I see is once I've started a queue from a specific source (say Tidal) I'm only then able to add tracks to the queue from that source. As in the above example if I've started playback of a Tidal track and then run a new search and click the three dots next to an Amazon track it doesn't present me with the "play next" option but instead limits it to "View Artist" and "View Album"

Is this a known limitation ? It feels like a bug since whilst I've been writing this post I have managed to construct a queue with tracks from Tidal, Amazon and Asset UPnP however at this second the "play next" option is only available in Amazon and Asset UPnP tracks, it's not showing up for Tidal tracks 😢
I'm a long standing Sonos user (more than a decade) but I've pretty much run out of patience with them so am looking at alternatives.

I have access to a Wiim mini but have noticed that it doesn't consistently allow me to build a playback queue from more than one source.

I have streaming accounts with Tidal, Amazon and Spotify and I also have a large collection (~1K albums) in flac files on a NAS (samba share) with Asset UPnP running on the NAS. Wiim is able to search and play files from Asset UPnP in my setup without issue.

When using Sonos I'd generally use the Sonos app (Android phone) to search across all of the streaming sources (including local NAS library) and simply add to the queue at will, usually I'll favour the local version of a track if I have it but most of the time I end up with a queue of tracks sourced from different streaming services along with some files from my local network (Sonos doesn't need a UPnP server since it can read SMB shares). It looks like the Wiim mini doesn't support this use case (at least not all the time...it's inconsistent).

The most frequent behaviour I see is once I've started a queue from a specific source (say Tidal) I'm only then able to add tracks to the queue from that source. As in the above example if I've started playback of a Tidal track and then run a new search and click the three dots next to an Amazon track it doesn't present me with the "play next" option but instead limits it to "View Artist" and "View Album"

Is this a known limitation ? It feels like a bug since whilst I've been writing this post I have managed to construct a queue with tracks from Tidal, Amazon and Asset UPnP however at this second the "play next" option is only available in Amazon and Asset UPnP tracks, it's not showing up for Tidal tracks 😢
Yes, unfortunately, WiiM currently only allows the addition of queue from a single source. However, the @WiiM Team has stated that they are working on a mixed playback queue feature.
I'm a long standing Sonos user (more than a decade) but I've pretty much run out of patience with them so am looking at alternatives.

I have access to a Wiim mini but have noticed that it doesn't consistently allow me to build a playback queue from more than one source.

I have streaming accounts with Tidal, Amazon and Spotify and I also have a large collection (~1K albums) in flac files on a NAS (samba share) with Asset UPnP running on the NAS. Wiim is able to search and play files from Asset UPnP in my setup without issue.

When using Sonos I'd generally use the Sonos app (Android phone) to search across all of the streaming sources (including local NAS library) and simply add to the queue at will, usually I'll favour the local version of a track if I have it but most of the time I end up with a queue of tracks sourced from different streaming services along with some files from my local network (Sonos doesn't need a UPnP server since it can read SMB shares). It looks like the Wiim mini doesn't support this use case (at least not all the time...it's inconsistent).

The most frequent behaviour I see is once I've started a queue from a specific source (say Tidal) I'm only then able to add tracks to the queue from that source. As in the above example if I've started playback of a Tidal track and then run a new search and click the three dots next to an Amazon track it doesn't present me with the "play next" option but instead limits it to "View Artist" and "View Album"

Is this a known limitation ? It feels like a bug since whilst I've been writing this post I have managed to construct a queue with tracks from Tidal, Amazon and Asset UPnP however at this second the "play next" option is only available in Amazon and Asset UPnP tracks, it's not showing up for Tidal tracks 😢
Hi tonymacprods,

Welcome Aboard!
We're currently developing the mixed queue from multiple music services, and plan to release it in late November. Please stay tuned!
Additionally, the SMB feature has been supported in WiiM devices except the WiiM Mini due to its limited memory.
If you have multiple sources, and aren't afraid of the cost, would something like roon help you?
yeah I do like Roon and have dabbled with it on and off over the last of years but the sub cost and the need for me to have a PC running 24/7 puts me off. Unfortunately my QNAP NAS doesn't have the CPU/RAM horsepower to run Roon server and i find that windows machines tend to need "maintenance" if they're running 24/7 and I'm trying to have less "needy tech" in my home :LOL:
Hi tonymacprods,

Welcome Aboard!
We're currently developing the mixed queue from multiple music services, and plan to release it in late November. Please stay tuned!
Additionally, the SMB feature has been supported in WiiM devices except the WiiM Mini due to its limited memory.
aha this is excellent news on both points, will need to get my hands on a Wiim Pro and see how it works with a big library via SMB (network share).
yeah I do like Roon and have dabbled with it on and off over the last of years but the sub cost and the need for me to have a PC running 24/7 puts me off. Unfortunately my QNAP NAS doesn't have the CPU/RAM horsepower to run Roon server and i find that windows machines tend to need "maintenance" if they're running 24/7 and I'm trying to have less "needy tech" in my home :LOL:
also worth noting that Roon is limited (in my case at least) to Tidal and local only. It doesn't support Amazon or Spotify unfortunately
aha this is excellent news on both points, will need to get my hands on a Wiim Pro and see how it works with a big library via SMB (network share).
If you already have a NAS you'll be much better off installing a decent UPnP server (MinimServer) than go the SMB route, as it's limited to folder browsing. The Plex beta might be worth investigating too.
If you already have a NAS you'll be much better off installing a decent UPnP server (MinimServer) than go the SMB route, as it's limited to folder browsing. The Plex beta might be worth investigating too.
ah ok that's a little disappointing, I have to say the implementation in Sonos was very good for local library indexing, the search was decent and UX was good, that said Asset UPnP plays fairly well with the Wiim Mini so if Wiim can get the "mixed queue" capability delivered and include UPnP servers in scope then it should tick all the boxes I'm looking for.
Asset UPnP is a great option too, much more powerful than the indexing provided by Sonos. Are you having problems using it with the Mini?
I've only been using the Wiim Mini for a few days but it seems to play fairly well with Asset UPnP, just looking forward to the "mixed queue" capability coming in November so that I can have tracks from Tidal, Amazon and Asset UPnP all in the queue at the same time...and then if they were to add the ability to edit the queue that'd be me very very pleased (and dumping a number of Sonos units on to ebay).
I've only been using the Wiim Mini for a few days but it seems to play fairly well with Asset UPnP, just looking forward to the "mixed queue" capability coming in November so that I can have tracks from Tidal, Amazon and Asset UPnP all in the queue at the same time...and then if they were to add the ability to edit the queue that'd be me very very pleased (and dumping a number of Sonos units on to ebay).
Tony - I'm curious where you've landed on this. I'm a fellow Sonos refugee, but I took the plunge fairly early after the WiiM Pro hit the market. I'm finally getting around to playing with local music stores and am encountering the limitations of the current UPnP/DLNA and SMB search UX in the WHA. Wondering what has worked best for you / still needs improvement.
Tony - I'm curious where you've landed on this. I'm a fellow Sonos refugee, but I took the plunge fairly early after the WiiM Pro hit the market. I'm finally getting around to playing with local music stores and am encountering the limitations of the current UPnP/DLNA and SMB search UX in the WHA. Wondering what has worked best for you / still needs improvement.
Hi there, I've actually spent very little time with the WiiM streamer since making the above post (had a ton of work going on in the house so all the hifi was packed away) however I've just purchased a Pro Plus now that the work is all complete so have only just started using it again. I note that the "mixed queue" hasn't yet been implemented but give me a couple of weeks and I'll dig deeper into the local storage performance. I think WiiM are planning to enhance local music management but I think for now using Asset UPnP is probably my best option.
Great to hear you've gotten back to playing around with WiiM. My sense so far is that AssetUPnP is a pretty good bet, but there are some informative threads on this topic active right now. Keep us posted on what you find!
Hi tonymacprods,

Welcome Aboard!
We're currently developing the mixed queue from multiple music services, and plan to release it in late November. Please stay tuned!
Additionally, the SMB feature has been supported in WiiM devices except the WiiM Mini due to its limited memory.
HI there, any news on this feature please? I think it may have been in trial during November but not heard much since then?