Really bad resampling of 44.1kHz/16bits files with Fixed Resoultion SPDIF setting

but for amp ,amp pro, pro plus ,
(I admit that I have been tired for a long time and no longer do it (especially since I only have Pro Plus) of having to take out the "sound card" to control this kind of thing which should be the role of Wiim upstream and a nice constant control... in any case on the audio... it amuses-occupies some of us but not up to us to do it...)

thank you erazortt

but back to the "aesthetic" VU meters.....
moreover only concerning the ultra... :cool:
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Ok so here the relevant plots:

44k/16b to 48k/16b (looks the same for following outputs as well 48k24b, 96k16b, 96k24b): all artifact peaks below 100dB, cant get better with 16bits

44k/16b to 192k/16b (looks the smae for 192k24b): still broken

44k/24b to 48k/24b (looks the same for following outputs as well 96k24b, 192k24b): all artifact peaks below 120dB, which is great

48k/16b to 44k/16b (looks similar for all output settings, 44.1-192k and 16 or 24bits): all artifact peaks below 100db

In total I tested 16 and 24 bits inputs with sampling rates of 44.1k, 48k, 88.2k, 96k, 176k, 192k, 352k: the only combinations still broken are 16bit 44.1k, 88.2k, 176k into 192k (both 16 and 24bit), anything else works as expected. With a noise floor at around 100db for 16bit conversions and below 120db for 24 bit conversions.

So if you set the fixed resoultion setting to anything apart 192k it will be working just as it should: I would suggest to use 96k 24bits, nobody actually needs more than that.

I put all plots here!

I really want to thank the Wiim Team for the quick reaction and the fix! Great work!


  • 48k24bTo44k24b.png
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44k/16b to 48k/16b TD+N -59 dB
48k/16b to 44k/16b. TD+N -90.8 dB
Yeah, well the thing is, I don't trust that number in REW for the SPDIF signal from my funny soundcard, because it jumps around like crazy and does not correlate to the graph at all, while the graph just stays constant.
However, just in the last hours I got myself a new high quality USB Audiointerface (the Audient ID24), with a noise floor on the analog inputs of -122dB. Now the plots are as constant as before but also the TD+N number now only fluctuates by 0.1dB and not by tens of db as before. With that I am currently validating all my measurements.

These are the new measurements of the Toslink signal from the Wiim to the Audient ID24:


This is the analog measurement on the Audient ID24:


So to sum up: for all my previous the plots of the digital SPDIF signal, please disregard the TD+N number, and look just at the graphs. I will now redo all the plots with my new AudientID24 just to be sure. But everything I have seen so far is just like before on my crappy soundcard with the exception of the TD+N number which now matches the plots.
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