Remove unused inputs


Aug 14, 2023
I would like to remove inputs that i don't use. I´m only using Wiim itself (ethernet) and optical. It would by nice to remove/disable the others.
As there is only one button on the remote for switching you have to toggle through them all. Then it´s hard to know where you are. I also got this requst from the rest of the family that isn't so technical 😅
Yes, this would be fantastic.
I'm only using Wifi radio and Optical in, so when I want to switch manually, I have to push the output button on the remote 3 times, and not too fast because it has to switch to the next source for a moment. Would be a big QoL improvement to be able to toggle between the 2 outputs I use.
Second this. Only use Wifi and HDMI arc on my Wiim ultra. I havet o toggle through all the sources and the toggling takes a bit of time. Very annoying.
Also, seems that you have to cycle through each time, not return to the last physical input.

Great hardware, questionable UI from the remote.