Remove unused inputs


Aug 14, 2023
I would like to remove inputs that i don't use. I´m only using Wiim itself (ethernet) and optical. It would by nice to remove/disable the others.
As there is only one button on the remote for switching you have to toggle through them all. Then it´s hard to know where you are. I also got this requst from the rest of the family that isn't so technical 😅
Upvote 13
Yes, this would be fantastic.
I'm only using Wifi radio and Optical in, so when I want to switch manually, I have to push the output button on the remote 3 times, and not too fast because it has to switch to the next source for a moment. Would be a big QoL improvement to be able to toggle between the 2 outputs I use.
Second this. Only use Wifi and HDMI arc on my Wiim ultra. I havet o toggle through all the sources and the toggling takes a bit of time. Very annoying.
Also, seems that you have to cycle through each time, not return to the last physical input.

Great hardware, questionable UI from the remote.
Please implement this! Switching inputs with the remote is painfully slow and, having just switched to an Ultra from a Pro Plus for my living room, now there are even more inputs I have to click through to get to optical from Wi-fi. I never use bluetooth, HDMI, coax, etc. so having to click past them every time is painfully slow.

Obviously being able to map the preset buttons to inputs would be a great workaround, also. Or even let Alexa have the ability to change the input!
Please implement this! Switching inputs with the remote is painfully slow and, having just switched to an Ultra from a Pro Plus for my living room, now there are even more inputs I have to click through to get to optical from Wi-fi. I never use bluetooth, HDMI, coax, etc. so having to click past them every time is painfully slow.

Obviously being able to map the preset buttons to inputs would be a great workaround, also. Or even let Alexa have the ability to change the input!

The upcoming smart preset feature should help with this, and switching inputs using Alexa is already supported. See this link where such requests are embedded in an Alexa routine