Solved - Human Error - Left and Right Output Channels Reversed


Feb 26, 2024
Wiim Pro Plus. The L&R output channels are reversed regardless of output selection i.e. on RCA, coax & optical digital. This happens both while streaming via Ethernet or casting on Airplay. I raised a ticket with the support team but they clearly didn't read my description and their reply reads "It sounds like you're encountering issues with the optical input." This has nothing to do with optical input - I don't even have a source to try optical input.

Anyway, I find it very unlikely that this is a random error that only affects my unit. Have any other users actually tested that their output channels are correct e.g. using an audiophile test CD or a piece of music with a high degree of L / R polarisation and compared with CD or listening directly through headphones etc (i.e. bypassing the Wiim)? I'm running up against the 30 day return window, so if no resolution shortly it's going back.
I seem to recall others have reported similar issues in the past - try a group search to see if it yields any useful info
Thanks. I already found that thread but my symptoms are observed while streaming via Ethernet (or casting), hence new thread. Unless users play a piece of music with which they are intimately familiar re: stereo assignments, it could easily go unnoticed.

This is an easy test if anyone has the time to try it. First 4 seconds - the first sound should appear left then move through centre to the right.

I played this ok thru my Pro Plus RCA outputs. Re the optical input, do you have it connected even though it’s not in use?

If you’ve done a full factory reset and set it up afresh and you still have the issue, I guess it warrants raising another ticket to WiiM and highlighting this thread to them. Conversely, if you let me know your ticket number, I’ll try and bring it to WiiM’s attention. Alternatively, you could return it and ask for a replacement.
Update :-
I sent the Pro Plus back to the vendor ( = Gear4music) as I was approaching the 30 day return window. In my experience these sort of problems are more likely to be systematic rather than random so decided to take the refund and purchase from another vendor on the basis that it would a different batch and less likely to have the same problem. So the new unit arrived yesterday from Amazon UK and guess has exactly the same problem. At least the remote works on this unit which was another ticket on the previous unit.

At this point, some of you are probably thinking I have my RCA cables mixed up. Indeed, that was the first thing I checked last time and I can assure you it is not the case. To eliminate any doubt (not that I really had any) I turned the voltages on the Wiim right down and connected the RCAs direct to my power amp - see photo below, dust and all! USB cable removed to take the photo. Played audio test file "This is the left channel" emanating from the right speaker. So I closed the old tickets and submitted a new one #499874 yesterday which has been escalated to the engineer team. I can also add that it works fine on a set of Bluetooth headphones.

With hindsight I should have picked up on this earlier and I was in my fourth week of ownership when I realised the problem. The background for those with time to read - not long after purchase I was comparing Joe Bonamassa's Blues Deluxe on Qobuz (remastered) vs a CD I purchased not long after release in 2003; synchronised the timing from the Wiim app and my CD player, then switch back and forth on the pre-amp. There is quite a broad percussion soundstage on this album and I noticed on Burning Hell the cymbals at the start were appearing on different channels. I put it down to the re-mastering, which I did think was a bit odd to move instruments from one channel to another. The upside was I thought the re-mastering sounded marginally better with a bit more space between the voice and instruments - perhaps the channel reversal suited my asymmetrical room better, or perhaps the re-mastering resulted in a better quality stream. Only when I decided to optimise my speaker placement with a few audiophile test tracks did I realise that the Wiim output channels were reversed.

It has probably been stated on the forum already, but if you are raising a ticket for a technical problem, then do it from the Wiim app - bottom right "Settings" and then Feedback. I understand some diagnostic data will be sent to the team with your request, which won't happen if you submit from a web browser and you'll lose 24 hours.

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That is strange - just checked my Pro Plus and a test left/right channel sweep test and it's fine. Guess you have a temporary workaround by swapping the cables over, but it is a strange fault...
Update :-
I sent the Pro Plus back to the vendor ( = Gear4music) as I was approaching the 30 day return window. In my experience these sort of problems are more likely to be systematic rather than random so decided to take the refund and purchase from another vendor on the basis that it would a different batch and less likely to have the same problem. So the new unit arrived yesterday from Amazon UK and guess has exactly the same problem. At least the remote works on this unit which was another ticket on the previous unit.

At this point, some of you are probably thinking I have my RCA cables mixed up. Indeed, that was the first thing I checked last time and I can assure you it is not the case. To eliminate any doubt (not that I really had any) I turned the voltages on the Wiim right down and connected the RCAs direct to my power amp - see photo below, dust and all! USB cable removed to take the photo. Played audio test file "This is the left channel" emanating from the right speaker. So I closed the old tickets and submitted a new one #499874 yesterday which has been escalated to the engineer team. I can also add that it works fine on a set of Bluetooth headphones.

With hindsight I should have picked up on this earlier and I was in my fourth week of ownership when I realised the problem. The background for those with time to read - not long after purchase I was comparing Joe Bonamassa's Blues Deluxe on Qobuz (remastered) vs a CD I purchased not long after release in 2003; synchronised the timing from the Wiim app and my CD player, then switch back and forth on the pre-amp. There is quite a broad percussion soundstage on this album and I noticed on Burning Hell the cymbals at the start were appearing on different channels. I put it down to the re-mastering, which I did think was a bit odd to move instruments from one channel to another. The upside was I thought the re-mastering sounded marginally better with a bit more space between the voice and instruments - perhaps the channel reversal suited my asymmetrical room better, or perhaps the re-mastering resulted in a better quality stream. Only when I decided to optimise my speaker placement with a few audiophile test tracks did I realise that the Wiim output channels were reversed. For that reason I would guess there is a multitude of units out there with reversed channels - they just haven't been noticed yet.

It has probably been stated on the forum already, but if you are raising a ticket for a technical problem, then do it from the Wiim app - bottom right "Settings" and then Feedback. I understand some diagnostic data will be sent to the team with your request, which won't happen if you submit from a web browser and you'll lose 24 hours.

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Sorry if I'm wrong, but it looks like the RCA cable is connected backwards to me.

The terminals of the amplifier that you are sticking the white plug in look red. It should be noted that the RCA terminal on the WiiM is reversed on the left and right.
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Is the RCA terminal of your amplifier right (red) on the left and left (white) on the right side as in this image?

If I'm right, I think you need to connect the red of the WiiM and the red of the amplifier.

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Yeah, on my Pro Plus, the red socket on the right is the right channel (as confirmed by checking my amp at the other end of the cable), and this attached photo of the rear of the A308 has a red socket on the left hand side which would be logically the right channel to match with the clearly labelled right speaker connections on that same side.


  • MF_A308crPA_rear.jpg
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Before I looked at the back of the Pro Plus, I looked online and some of the images there have the white/red of the sockets round the other way, so I don't know if those images are early mockups or actual units, or whether the hardware actually changed at some point - that can't be helping...
AAAGGHHH. Numpty 🙈

Thanks so much for the responses. I'm a bit embarassed now making the assumption that the left terminal (red) on the Wiim was the left channel. All good now. I'll close out the ticket.

Thanks again.
My simple brain always matched red for right because they both start with "R"...

And no worries, we've all been there, glad you got it sorted :)
Before I looked at the back of the Pro Plus, I looked online and some of the images there have the white/red of the sockets round the other way, so I don't know if those images are early mockups or actual units, or whether the hardware actually changed at some point - that can't be helping...
As far as I can tell, I don't think the RCA arrangement for the WiiM pro and pro plus has changed.
Reminds me of a recent post on the WiiM facebook page where someone thought the channels were reversed since as a musician he was used to hearing instruments the opposite way round from the audience - what was on his left sitting in the band was on the audience's right...