Yes I do. I’m very meticulous about my tags.Raise a ticket then, although I can't believe that hasn't come up before!
EDIT: I assume you have both track number and disc number tags populated?
Yes I do. I’m very meticulous about my tags.Raise a ticket then, although I can't believe that hasn't come up before!
EDIT: I assume you have both track number and disc number tags populated?
The only issue I have with track numbers via usb drive is multi disc albums. It puts all the track 1 tracks together track two together etc
I go to folder mode as a workaround
They have already confirmed that track and disc number tags are populated.use disc tag, for LMS I use 1/2, 2/2 etc . It doesn't matter what the filename is. Although it's good practise to keep on CD1 and CD2 folders.
I don't agree that its good practice to split into separate disk folders - I don't want to see a double album in my library twice unless I have 2 copies of it for some reason. Just use the disc no and track no tags in the file name with appropriate no of leading zeros.use disc tag, for LMS I use 1/2, 2/2 etc . It doesn't matter what the filename is. Although it's good practise to keep on CD1 and CD2 folders.
I don't agree that its good practice to split into separate disk folders - I don't want to see a double album in my library twice unless I have 2 copies of it for some reason. Just use the disc no and track no tags in the file name with appropriate no of leading zeros.
You are talking to an LMS user of close to 20 years. I use it daily for many hours at a time.You don't see it twice, a good scanner does this. It doesn't matter, the database prog scans them and sees them.
But properly tagged, it doesn't matter if all the files are in the same directory, or seperate CD1, CD2. But if you accidenally delete disc number you're a bit knackered, so it's safer for seperate folders.
Browsing by folder is rubbish anyway.
Below image is database, LMS system
The scanner logic may have been changed over time. I certainly remember separate folders produced separate albums even if both were tagged the same."I’m not sure you are correct. One of the mechanisms that the LMS scanner uses to determine what is an album is the contents of a given folder."
I have a mixture of albums where files from each CD are in the same directory, and some are in seperate directories. .the two look the same in LMS, the only thing I have to do is make sure Album is the same, not Greatest hits CD1 and Greatest hits CD2, I have to name them both to Greatest hits.
I always use separate folders for discs of a multi-disc album. I seem to half remember having problems when I put all the tracks in the same folder with disc and track tags. I can't remember what the issue was though but the only one that makes sense is appearing as separate albums but that seems unlikely. It's probably documented somewhere on the Squeezebox forum but impossible to find.The scanner logic may have been changed over time. I certainly remember separate folders produced separate albums even if both were tagged the same.
I have pretty much always adopted disc no as part of file name with all tracks of an album in one folder. As you say the db then takes care of everything else.
That is why it makes sense to use the discno in the filename e.g. 1-01-Trackname -
Hi, it would be an easy to solve if the indexing software lookd also at DISC NUMBER metadata info.
It would then just sort:
First: Disc Number
Second: Track Number
It works on volumio, foobar, etc...
Folder names aren't used for sorting, or are you saying that the albums don't appear in the following order:My issue, at the moment is: when I search for exemple for SAXON under albums, it shows me all the albums but not alphabetically. I name the album folders alphabetically associated to the release year. Example:
Saxon-(1980-04) Wheels Of Steel
Saxon-(1980-09) Strong Arm Of The Law
Saxon-(1984) Crusader
Folder names aren't used for sorting, or are you saying that the albums don't appear in the following order:
Strong Arm Of The Law
Wheels Of Steel
Thanks for your feedback.
I have to re-check that when I arrive homebut you might be right.
It may be ordering on album name and not album folder name
If that is the case I will open a feature request for: option for ordering albums base on metadata field: Year
If you search for a word rather than an artist name is it correctly sorted?In my USB Drive I can’t just see any order… (I will just see on hdd if it is ordered by data of folder creation or change)…
SearchCriteria=upnp:class = "object.container.album.musicAlbum" and (upnp:album contains "nevermind" or dc:title contains "nevermind" or upnp:artist contains "nevermind")