Two-column landscape view for Wiim app (big album art/tablet mode)


Dec 16, 2022
Hello! Since there isn’t a landscape view implemented yet on Android, I thought it might be a good time to make this request. It would be great if landscape view consisted of two columns, big album art on the left and player controls and song info on the right. This would allow for much larger album art than the current version where everything is stacked.

Additionally it opens up a really cool use case where any old tablet or phone you have laying around can become a live updating “screen” add-on for the Wiim mini or pro. One of the only downsides of the Wiim players is the lack of album art or any visual feedback for things like volume level. Note that this trick works even when controlling playback from a different device, like a phone or with the new wiim remote. The album art and track info on the display update almost instantly.

You can see an example below of an android app called Cover Frame that pulls live Spotify now playing info and displays it in a two-column view. It’s laggy however, only works for Spotify, and is nowhere near as polished or functional as the Wiim app.

Additional bonus request which would be incredible, is some kind of a pop-up that shows a visual volume number/meter that increases or decreases as volume is changed (so you can see your volume changes from the listening position).

Fix the one hardware weakness of both wiim players with one relatively easy UI tweak!
P.S. thank you for the incredible product!

Upvote 6
Another solution is to use other app like BubbleUPnP, that can be used in landscape mode. And bonus, you can turn your screen always on if your tablet is plugged.


  • Screenshot_20221221-092029_BubbleUPnP.jpg
    583.4 KB · Views: 33
Another solution is to use other app like BubbleUPnP, that can be used in landscape mode. And bonus, you can turn your screen always on if your tablet is plugged.
Good option for people streaming local files but wouldn't work for spotify and the like, correct?

The 12v trigger out on the pro makes it pretty easy to turn on and off a phone/tablet display. I've got this working fully automated on both iOS and Android with no jailbreaking required.
Let's not forget that Bubble UPnP is Android only.. I'm not an iPhone user, yet I do happen to have an old iPad laying around...
Apple and the iPad are still king of the tablet world, while in the phone market, things are spread more evenly.

So yes, I'd love to see a tablet-friendly, landscape mode of the WiiM app!

*edit: just noticed that OP is asking for landscape mode specifically on Android... so is this already a thing on iPads maybe? Sorry for any confusion, I'm still waiting until I can order the Wiim Pro in Europe so I can try it out for myself ;)
Not only for local files, I m using qobuz, but this app works for other providers too (spotify, deezer..)
Not correct, as a music-streaming service only Qobuz and Tidal are supported
Not correct, as a music-streaming service only Qobuz and Tidal are supported
On the Wiim Mini and Pro? It certainly supports more than just Qobuz and Tidal - for example, Amazon Music, Deezer, Spotify, Napster, Pandora etc etc. Or are you talking about BubbleUPNP?
On the Wiim Mini and Pro? It certainly supports more than just Qobuz and Tidal - for example, Amazon Music, Deezer, Spotify, Napster, Pandora etc etc. Or are you talking about BubbleUPNP?
Hi, In the ongoing dialog only with reference to Bubble UPnP. Wiim Home has of course implemented several providers.
Note: If you happen to have a Samsung tablet with Android12, you can set the landscape mode in the Lab settings (not according to the 2-column mode described here, but at least an intermediate solution...).
Let's not forget that Bubble UPnP is Android only.. I'm not an iPhone user, yet I do happen to have an old iPad laying around...
Apple and the iPad are still king of the tablet world, while in the phone market, things are spread more evenly.

So yes, I'd love to see a tablet-friendly, landscape mode of the WiiM app!

*edit: just noticed that OP is asking for landscape mode specifically on Android... so is this already a thing on iPads maybe? Sorry for any confusion, I'm still waiting until I can order the Wiim Pro in Europe so I can try it out for myself ;)
Sorry for the confusion, I wasn’t asking specifically for android, it’s just that iOS already has a landscape mode (stacked single column though). Android is portrait only for the time being. Ideally the two-column layout would be implemented for both operating systems.
Good option for people streaming local files but wouldn't work for spotify and the like, correct?

The 12v trigger out on the pro makes it pretty easy to turn on and off a phone/tablet display. I've got this working fully automated on both iOS and Android with no jailbreaking required.
Just wondering what your doing to turn the tablet on and off using the 12v trigger?...
Just wondering what your doing to turn the tablet on and off using the 12v trigger?...
Yes I am curious about this as well.

How does 12v trigger work for "off" scenarios:

1. Does screen turn off once music stops?

2. Or does Wiim Pro has to be turned off to get the screen to go off?
The process is a little different depending on iOS or Android but basically I use one of these in front of a power strip which my powered speakers and subs are connected to, as well as the charger for the tablet. Then in software (shortcuts for iOS, and a third party app on Android), I’m able to set up screen on and off automations whenever power is connected or disconnected. As far as the off behavior, I can’t answer since I don’t actually have a pro yet (I’ve been testing all of this with my current Cambridge streamer) but I’m expecting that when it goes to standby after a short time, that it will send an off signal over 12v. In this scenario my system powers on and the screen lights up when I start streaming, and when playback stops and the streamer goes to sleep after an hour or so, everything shuts off.
Just want to add my vote to this request. This would be great for art/metadata displays! And hopefully it would work for both mini and pro!
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Any update on Android landscape mode? Seems crazy it's been this long and still not available, come on guys... if you want people to treat wiim products as serious contenders for integrated home audio solutions then landscape mode on a tablet is one of the first wife-friendly features that is needed....