Use Alexa Routines to adjust the volume in 1% increments


Major Contributor
Oct 28, 2022
A note on adjusting the volume of the Wiim amp.
How to use Alexa Routines to specify volume in 1% increments.

Routine execution conditions
"Alexa, volume up."

Alexa Actions
"Device Settings" >> "Volume" >> "21%"

At this time, the Alexa app displays "Set volume to 2", but I found that I can actually adjust the volume to 21%.

I made two routines in the same way.
"Alexa, volume down" = > "Set volume to 15%"
"Alexa, volume up more" => "Set volume to 25%"

As a result, all three of these routines work fine. It also worked with the WiiM remote's microphone.

Memorandum for myself.

Minimum unit of volume adjustment:
WiiM remote volume buttons =2%
(Mic button = 10%)
Echo Voice Control = 10%
Alexa Routine =1%
While you can ask Alexa to do that, I believe the numbers are actually rounded to the nearest 10%
While you can ask Alexa to do that, I believe the numbers are actually rounded to the nearest 10%
No, it is only rounded off in the Alexa app. I checked the volume indicator on the WiiM app while testing there. It moves very finely. 😊
No, it is only rounded off in the Alexa app. I checked the volume indicator on the WiiM app while testing there. It moves very finely. 😊
OK, I've only been testing on my echos where it does stick to multiples of 10%. I'll try my Amp then ;)
"Alexa, Volume Down" = (20%)

"Alexa, volume up" = (21%)

"Alexa, volume up more" = (23%)
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