Volume indicator - disable LED while volume changing


Oct 11, 2024
Now we can turn off the volume indicator, but the LED still lights up for a few seconds when the volume is changed. Can you add a setting for the full disable indicator so when the volume changes, the LED is still off? Maybe per input? It will be better than adhesive tape over the LEDs :)
Now we can turn off the volume indicator, but the LED still lights up for a few seconds when the volume is changed. Can you add a setting for the full disable indicator so when the volume changes, the LED is still off? Maybe per input? It will be better than adhesive tape over the LEDs :)
Yeah, already raised that feedback to wiim! Those leds are bright!
Now we can turn off the volume indicator, but the LED still lights up for a few seconds when the volume is changed. Can you add a setting for the full disable indicator so when the volume changes, the LED is still off? Maybe per input? It will be better than adhesive tape over the LEDs :)
It lights up near the end of every local.track when using LMS to play to the Squeezelite client as well.
And only as Addendum, current LED off function is wrong implementation by design, because while volume LED off not work while changing volume (and I maan that LED is not needed, because I hear, that volume is changing up/down), status LED off is permanently off and not turning on while changing input, but LED status is only way, how to check, which input is currently set.
Yes, I'm perfectly happy with the way it currently works, and wouldn't want to change it.
I'd be ok with a brief (i.e. not 10 sec) led confirmation when changing volume.
Like @harkpabst, I quite like being able to change the volume slightly when coming back to use the amp to check the current volume before starting playback.
However, what I'd really like is a default (configurable) startup volume when the amp wakes from sleep so that I don't need to check.

Perfectly happy?? ;)
However, what I'd really like is a default (configurable) startup volume when the amp wakes from sleep so that I don't need to check.

This might go somewhat against per-source volume control but honestly speaking I never liked that. Have it disabled and would happily give it away for a configurable startup volume.
At start I ask for setting, not fixed change. Only I add later, that now it is not consisent. So, when will be possible to change volume LED to completely off, I will be ok.

Maybe best will be:
Off: All LEDs OFF
Briefly: Off untill something change (input, volume), then for X seconds LEDs on
On: All LEDs ON.