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The journey still alive.
Perfect crystalline old future fodder. Video Killed the Radio Star is great but the rest of the album blows it away. Bizarre and unfortunate case of one-hit-wonder-dom preventing an album from attaining the canonical text status it blatantly deserves.

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This Trevor Horn compilation of covers is fun to listen to once or twice. He collaborated with some well-known singers to reimagine a dozen 80's songs. Trevor of the Buggles was prodigious as a producer.

In retirement, he has a garage band - Trevor Horn and the Producers - where he plays with some friends who were also producers
Three classic Level instrumentals from back in the day. Fantastic bass playing from Mark King and keyboards by Mike Lindup. Ably supported by Boon and Phil Gould. Played on my work iMac through Alesis M1 Active 520 monitors. Forgotten how good these inexpensive speakers are with my home working iMac.
