What is going on with my wiim pro EQ


Active member
Jan 10, 2023
A new issue just started when I try to set a custom EQ setting it takes forever to save that little clock just spins and spins and the sound is going crazy during this process and I can't lower the volume cause wiim is controlling it I need to pull the plug. Saving a custom EQ was always an instant thing it never did anything like this. I could be listening to something and the sound starts changing on its own. This happens on my phone & tablet I tried to reinstall app with no results. Any ideas?
Another thing I noticed when I try to open the EQ it doesn't open sometimes and changing one of the setting isn't instant it will take effect seconds or minutes later. Something crazy going on with the EQ.
In situations like this where you have an issue with the app, you’re probably best using the feedback section in the WiiM Home app to submit a ticket so that WiiM can inspect your app/device logs and hopefully identify the problem
In situations like this where you have an issue with the app, you’re probably best using the feedback section in the WiiM Home app to submit a ticket so that WiiM can inspect your app/device logs and hopefully identify the problem
Thank you I'll do that now.
Another thing I noticed when I try to open the EQ it doesn't open sometimes and changing one of the setting isn't instant it will take effect seconds or minutes later. Something crazy going on with the EQ.
Yes, my Pro has the same problem. You are not alone. As far as I've confirmed, there are no glitches with the Mini, it's just a Pro issue.
Well good to know I'm not the only one. Another issue is if I increase the volume the sound sometimes goes off and have to back to Browse and click on different inputs to get the sound back on. I'm beginning to wonder about this device way to many fixes going on in a month. Seems like one fix screws up something else. Right now the sound keeps changing like someone is playing with the EQ settings. This is crazy.
My problems are saving EQ settings not taking effect (or the numbers change), EQ screen blackout, etc. I had a similar problem before, but an update solved it.

I recommend turning off EQ and fixing the volume until support team resolves this issue.
My problems are saving EQ settings not taking effect (or the numbers change), EQ screen blackout, etc. I had a similar problem before, but an update solved it.

I recommend turning off EQ and fixing the volume until support team resolves this issue.
Yep I get the screen blackout also. Unfortunately I need the eq to help with room correction but I do have the mini which I'll swap in tomorrow. Would you know if WIIM even knows about this issue and if there was any response from them.
I haven't submitted a ticket yet, but I'll do that later. We don't know if our support team is aware of this issue, but we are confident that the more people who report it, the sooner we can resolve it.

I don't usually use EQ, but I was checking yesterday and happened to notice it. The problem may be caused by the time it takes to access the EQ from the Wiim app.
Mine is Android.

Press the "back button" after changing the value in the custom EQ. Repeating this operation several times will cause the app to become unresponsive and blacked out.

There may be a problem with the app !?🤔

Well today I pull the PRO and replaced it with the MINI which did an update since it wasn't being used and no iEQ ssues on the mini. Looks like the PRO is screwed up.
Hopefully WiiM will act on your ticket and come up with a fix. It does seem to be an android/Pro issue - I tried it on my android phone and when I tried to save the custom EQ, I got the spinning wheel too. When I switched to my iPad and tried to access the Pro’s EQ, I briefly got the spinning wheel and then it opened the EQ screen ok. Coincidentally, the wheel stopped then spinning on my android phone app.

As I say, I hope WiiM can inspect your device/app logs and diagnose the issue.
Thanks for sending us the beta.
Unfortunately, there are still problems.
The EQ settings are saved with different values.
Watch this video.

Thank you.


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EQ - DSP - is prone to carry bugs. I for one think it should be a separate product. Going forward with a future PEQ release I cringe at the idea of bugs polluting the bit perfect pipeline. One more reason to allow for Opt-In firmware updates. I do not want a PEQ feature in my products.
EQ - DSP - is prone to carry bugs. I for one think it should be a separate product. Going forward with a future PEQ release I cringe at the idea of bugs polluting the bit perfect pipeline. One more reason to allow for Opt-In firmware updates. I do not want a PEQ feature in my products.

I'm sorry, but I don't understand what you mean. We are not talking about PEQ here.

Do you mean to say "Wiim should do away with EQ"?

Also, I have never experienced such an EQ glitch on any device other than the WiiM.