Wireless speakers connected to TV, without delay between sound and video
Here's what I like to do. I want to be able to build a wireless stereo speakers set (preferably with LinkPlay wireless modules), that can be connected to a TV-set, but without having a delay between the audio and the video. This is the idea:
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So far, I have not been able to make it work, because there is a delay in which the audio comes through a bit later than the video. E.g. you can see someone say hello, but hearing it happens a second later. The delay comes from the buffering of audio data for sync playing on the L and R of the stereo set. While grouped with multi-room playback, the input audio data will be sent to the WiFi module, the WiFi module will then buffer the input and then send it to the slave devices. And then will try to send the audio data out to the baseboard at the same time. Like this:
View attachment 690
What is needed, example what works
That the audio signal needs processing time, which causes the delay, is of course logical. So there needs to be a way to delay the video signal to it will be synchronized with the timing of the audio signal.
So far I have seen only one way in which it works: Apple TV 4K (and higher) combined with AirPlay compatible speakers. The Apple TV handles the synchronization between audio and video, and controls a perfect synchronization between audio & video: no delay. This works with everything one watches on the AppleTV box, but the thing missing is that Apple TV does not handle the TV-signal that I get from my TV & Internet provider.
By the way, there are many TV-sets that have AirPlay support, but only in such way that one can send content from an iPhone/iPad to the TV. And not the other way around; sending audio to wireless AirPlay speakers is not supported.
Proposal to WiiM
There is a wireless protocol/standard already in the market that perfectly handles this issue:
WISA. To make this work, WISA is needed on the television side, and also on the wireless speaker side. Concerning televisions, there is a large number of TV manufacturers and models that are WISA compatible, available in the market today. So this side has been covered.
On the speaker side we need WiFi receiver boards that have WISA added. So my question to WiiM / LinkPlay is:
Can you build a DIY board based on your LinkPlay chipsets, that have added WISA support?
Of course this will have a different /added pricing. But that is acceptable. I would prefer to be able to use WISA as an add-on to the basic LinkPlay product.