The latest implementations of the Ti TPA325x class D amps (at least those that are well done) show essentially no load dependency in the audio band any more. See e.g. Archimago's Review of the 3e Audio A5 and A7 Mono amps:The more affordable TPA3255 class D amps seem to have curbed the market vs hypex n-core amps. While the 3255 amps are load dependent your can use a WiiM streamer's parametric EQ to compensate.

Part I: 3e Audio - A5 Stereo and A7 Mono Class D + PFFB, TI TPA3251/3255 Amplifiers - Features and initial measurements.
A blog for audiophiles about more objective topics. Measurements of audio gear. Reasonable, realistic, no snakeoil assessment of sound, and equipment.

The output impedance (especially of the TPA3251 based A5) is not just incredibly low but almost perfectly constant from 20 Hz to 20 kHz.
The Hypex NCore NC252MP is certainly a top class amplifier module. But if you can get along with half the power for half the price the 3e Audio A5 is a real alternative in my book. Coming to Europe through Audiophonics shortly:

3E AUDIO A5 Amplifier
3E Audio, a recognized player in the DIY world, now offers a Class D Stereo amplifier incorporating audiophile Hi-Fi components. The A5 amplifier is based on two TI TPA3251 chips in PBTL configuration, and two dual OPA1656 OPAs.
The A7 and A7 Mono are also worth consideration if more power is required.