Wiim ultra has 4 independend signal OUTputs:.
Why is so stupid and unusefull, unfriendly to user idea that OUTPUT signal is present ONLY on ONE output at the same time???! Othervway saingvthatbonly ...one outputvcan work.....In almost all in the World audio constructions if the unit has INDEPENDENT outputs, Output signal is present on ALL outputs together specially on ANALOG (RCA) and at least ONE DIGITAL optic or coacial !!!!!!!!!!!
It gives freedom to user, it gives a chance of sending signal to a few(at least 2 ) rooms at the same time using a few physical outputs sockets etc. It gives freedom to owner and eliminates need of stupid time consuning changing of ...ONE active .......output. This function od changing active only one at time OUTput is TOTALY USELESS. Why signal is not present on ALL outputs at the same time. It would be great and very usefull. (I suppose the elecrtonic board in Wiim can send output signal to all outputs simultaniesly. Please change it and make Wiim Ultra more usefull.
By the way i was asking many users of Wiim and ALL told me the same, that this idea of ONLY ONE OUTput active is in their opinion more than ...stupid !!!!! Please change it or if needed give option of activate ( for example by clicking the box in output option ). Please give thevoption of MORE than ONE output active at the same time.
Why is so stupid and unusefull, unfriendly to user idea that OUTPUT signal is present ONLY on ONE output at the same time???! Othervway saingvthatbonly ...one outputvcan work.....In almost all in the World audio constructions if the unit has INDEPENDENT outputs, Output signal is present on ALL outputs together specially on ANALOG (RCA) and at least ONE DIGITAL optic or coacial !!!!!!!!!!!
It gives freedom to user, it gives a chance of sending signal to a few(at least 2 ) rooms at the same time using a few physical outputs sockets etc. It gives freedom to owner and eliminates need of stupid time consuning changing of ...ONE active .......output. This function od changing active only one at time OUTput is TOTALY USELESS. Why signal is not present on ALL outputs at the same time. It would be great and very usefull. (I suppose the elecrtonic board in Wiim can send output signal to all outputs simultaniesly. Please change it and make Wiim Ultra more usefull.
By the way i was asking many users of Wiim and ALL told me the same, that this idea of ONLY ONE OUTput active is in their opinion more than ...stupid !!!!! Please change it or if needed give option of activate ( for example by clicking the box in output option ). Please give thevoption of MORE than ONE output active at the same time.