WiiM Holographic Audio

Jay x

Mar 23, 2024
The ability to add a 2nd pair of speakers utilizing a 2nd WiiM device in the same room identified as as part of a room system. A 'WHA' group.

Eg... One WiiM Amp in front with one WiiM mini behind as a rear channel
The feature would be the ability for WiiM software to process the rear pair utilizing spacial fq and delay algorithms to create WiiM Holographic Audio. Specifically for 2 Channel source. The ability to fade in the effect and adjust presence, depth ect would be great.

I also assume it would be possible to extend the effect to 3 pair or more.
Buy an AVR ;)
I had a 11.2 Atmos system built into a new living room extension.. I ended up using the left right front towers in stereo most of the time for audio, mainly due to disappointing Atmos audio mixes.. plus the lack of content. Overkill system really.