This from the What Hifi website:
@WiiM Team - any update on this? My take - based on nothing other than similar timing - is that this partnership fell apart about the same time as the Airplay 2 features being dropped from new products.
This is from the Origin Acoustics Facebook page from a couple of weeks ago.Well, that's just my take, based on the complete removal of references to WiiM on the Origin Acoustics website, as well as their not answering my inquiries on the topic (after having answered them prior to this).
Also - the information was up on the site until around the time of the Airplay stuff, and was taken down after that.
Agreed that either side would probably not reveal why, but I'm hopeful/fishing for at least a confirmation or a "we cannot comment" statement.
There is also this, so the products seem to exist.Understood, but what's interesting in this thread is really the announcement Origin Acoustics put out close to a year ago now about a custom 1u 4x WiiM streaming solution, as well as a CI-focused WiiM streaming amp.
See here:
These used to be findable on the OA products page and through search.
Now, you just get this:
View attachment 14147You searched for wiim - Origin Acoustics
Just distributing existing WiiM products is ok, but doesn't really change the CI market all that much.
Trust me, I'll be more disappointed than pretty much anyone on this. I have a never-ending remodel underway and I'd love to buy more than a few of the 1u 4x WiiM streaming devices.
Right now, I'm considering whether we could take the guts from 3-4 WiiM Pro Pluses and mount them in a 1u shelf to achieve something similar.
Not really a *lot* of rack space. Could fit 3x WiiM Pro Plus into a 1u rack.This is good news! Some integrators have info about products that match the announcements from last year, so I was skeptical, but those datasheets were created on 3 Sep 24... and neither the CI amp nor the CI streamer seem to support Airplay. My guess is these spec sheets haven't passed full muster yet (no ETH listed on the amp), but who knows?
My hope for a 4-streamer 1u solution remains, although my Frankenstein version would include Airplay 2 support!
Or, I just break down & eat up a lot of rack space....