Good morning to all you Rooners!
So, afflicted by my recurrent insomnia, I thought what the heck, give it a go. A few hours later, I finally got a jury-rigged Roon core and Roon remote up and running. Setting it up was a bit hit'n'miss (avoiding the online manuals, of course, in favour of the old click and see what happens approach) .
I tested it with a variety of endpoints including chromecast, sonos, Roon Ready and squeezeboxes - quite impressed by how all these are handled. The sound quality was very good with both local music files, Tidal and Internet radio. The music/artist info is impressive but I'm not sure how much I'd actually use it.
What I found less pleasing was the over-fussy screen displays with too many items and categories sort of jostling for space - I definitely didn't like the larger Main titling font (Times Roman?) which clashed with the smaller sans serif font for all the other items on the screen.
Overall, it's sort of what I expected but not quite as polished as its reputation among Rooners had led me to expect. Of course, in such a short time, I'm sure I've missed some features, etc. Given I'm well established and familiar with LMS, I doubt I'd be prepared to jump ship given the cost of a ticket to do so.
It was an interesting exercise and at least I did scratch that itch.