Wiim Pro's Amazon music seems to be broken


Major Contributor
Oct 28, 2022
When I request my playlist from Echo dot, WiiM pro will play the songs in other playlists from around track 3-4.

At this time, if I look at WHA's Now Playing Normally, it is displayed in the order of the songs in the playlist. In other words, a different song is being played on the WHA screen.

My perception is that voice control on the WiiM mini and Yamaha Musiccast does not have this problem. I think only the PRO are broken.

As already reported on the forums, Amazon music searches are also broken.This is also fine with the MusicCast api, so it seems to be a WiiM specific issue.
It seems to have been cured after rebooting PRO. Although it may recur again. It is a symptom that I have not experienced with MINI, so there may be a bug somewhere in the PRO.