WiiM's with Alexa Preferred Speaker Integration


Senior Member
Nov 1, 2022
I've given my WiiM's their own name both in the WiiM App but also in Amazom Alexa such as WiiM Lounge and WiiM Kitchen etc. and have set up various preferred speakers so I can just say "Alexa play rock music" and it will automatically redirent it to the WiiM Kitchen and have also created various speaker groups with the WiiM's / Alexa.

I now want to swap around some of the units (had a faulty one replaced and also swapped a Pro for Pro Plus), does anyone know how Alexa recognises the WiiM, is it just by the name or is it by the MAC address?

What I'm trying to ascertain is, if I get ride of an old device say called WiiM Lounge that's a preferred speaker for an Echo DOT for music and then setup a new device with the same name both ion the WiiM App and Alexa, will Alexa still see it via it's name as the preferred speaker or do I have to go in a deregister the old device in Alexa and then reassign the new device and reset it up again as a preferred speaker.

If it's via MAC address, it'll probably be a complete pain as I'll probably have to deregister / reregister each of the devices and then set the groups up again but knowing how it works will help so I can plan when to do it / how long it'll take and what information I may need before I start.

If anybody happens to know would be much appreciated.
I've given my WiiM's their own name both in the WiiM App but also in Amazom Alexa such as WiiM Lounge and WiiM Kitchen etc. and have set up various preferred speakers so I can just say "Alexa play rock music" and it will automatically redirent it to the WiiM Kitchen and have also created various speaker groups with the WiiM's / Alexa.

I now want to swap around some of the units (had a faulty one replaced and also swapped a Pro for Pro Plus), does anyone know how Alexa recognises the WiiM, is it just by the name or is it by the MAC address?

What I'm trying to ascertain is, if I get ride of an old device say called WiiM Lounge that's a preferred speaker for an Echo DOT for music and then setup a new device with the same name both ion the WiiM App and Alexa, will Alexa still see it via it's name as the preferred speaker or do I have to go in a deregister the old device in Alexa and then reassign the new device and reset it up again as a preferred speaker.

If it's via MAC address, it'll probably be a complete pain as I'll probably have to deregister / reregister each of the devices and then set the groups up again but knowing how it works will help so I can plan when to do it / how long it'll take and what information I may need before I start.

If anybody happens to know would be much appreciated.
All Alexa devices are registered to your Amazon account with a serial number. Even if you change the name of device A to the same name as device B, it will not become device B.

You can go to Amazon's account services and see your Alexa devices (including WiiM) in the "Devices" section.
All Alexa devices are registered to your Amazon account with a serial number. Even if you change the name of device A to the same name as device B, it will not become device B.

You can go to Amazon's account services and see your Alexa devices (including WiiM) in the "Devices" section.

Not what I'd hoped to hear but thank you for that, at least I can plan in advance and it'll also affect what device I use where in case I need to make any changes in the future!!
I believe you can just remove the old device from the speaker group to accomplish what you want. I've moved devices around before and rename them in the beginning of the process. "Echo Old" would be the old one and "Echo New" is the one being swapped in.
Then I delete the old one from the group and rename the new one.
I've only deregistered a device if I was taking it out of service.
I believe you can just remove the old device from the speaker group to accomplish what you want. I've moved devices around before and rename them in the beginning of the process. "Echo Old" would be the old one and "Echo New" is the one being swapped in.
Then I delete the old one from the group and rename the new one.
I've only deregistered a device if I was taking it out of service.

Cheers for that and seems a logical way of doing it, will give it a try and see what happens :)