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      musig replied to the thread Just tried out Plexamp.
      Plexamp is my player of choice for its sleek interface and the robust operativity. Currently I need a Raspberry Pi to feed the WiiM Amp...
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      musig reacted to thechez's post in the thread Just tried out Plexamp with Like Like.
      Agreed. I am currently using a pi to go into my Wiim but it’s a bit of a pain. If there was a seamless Plexamp solution this would be...
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      musig reacted to FreakyKiwi's post in the thread Difference between WiFi and Ethernet with Like Like.
      Regardless of any difference, which I doubt would be significant unless the wifi chip is generating noise which is reaching the audio...
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      musig reacted to cooky560's post in the thread WiiM Ultra with Like Like.
      I always live the the rule of "how does it sound", if it sounds good, I can forgive imperfect measurements, but I do look at...
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      musig reacted to Steve Woodhouse's post in the thread WiiM Ultra with Like Like.
      Listening, non-blind to see if you can hear frequencies several orders of magnitude above human hearing?
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      musig reacted to Steve Woodhouse's post in the thread WiiM Ultra with Like Like.
      Is that Rob Watts from Chord Cables saying how important it is that we spend more money on cables?
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      musig reacted to Steve Woodhouse's post in the thread WiiM Ultra with Like Like.
      To be clear, I did say ‘possibility’. It’s also possible there’ll be representatives from their R&D team, a full working unit...
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      musig replied to the thread WiiM Ultra.
      I think they will show a working prototype (probably I hope)
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