24 Bit / 192 kHz SPDIF optical output issue.


Apr 3, 2024
Hello, I have purchased a Wiim Pro Plus and despite trying it on two devices that support 24 Bit / 192 kHz via the optical output, I am unable to get a 24 bit / 192 kHz output. I can only get output up to 96 kHz. When I play the 24 Bit / 192 kHz output test demo from the Wiim Pro Plus settings, I hear distorted sounds. I have tried with two different DACs and two different optical cables, but the issue persists. I read on a forum that the issue could be resolved by using a Coax output, but I don't have a Coax cable to try this. Also, if we cannot get a 192 kHz output from the optical output, why is this option available in the settings? I am awaiting your assistance. Thank you.
Yes, you're right. In old Dac units, the toslink appears to provide a maximum of 96 kHz. However, I think there is a difference between 192 kHz recording and 96 kHz recording. However, the most important factor is how to register the master. Is it recorded as Stereo in attack mode, or is it recorded electronically through multiple circuits and filters? This is very important. A good Hi-Fi recording sounds excellent, while a poor recording naturally sounds very bad. Thank you for your help.
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It does indeed seem that neither of your current dacs support more than 96khz on optical.
There's no harm in trying (half of) the supplied rca cable from the wiim coax digital out to your dac's coax in.
I'd fully expect the optical to work up to 192 with the denafrips.

I bet you can't wait.. :)
Well, I know you can't, hence trying it now and being very disappointed!
Let us know how it goes.
When I connected the RCA cable that came with the Wiim Pro Plus as Coaxial to the M2 Tech Evo Dac, I was able to get a 192 kHz output. However, I couldn't get it with the Quad Cdp2. It is confirmed that the Quad supports up to 96 kHz. Additionally, it has become clear that there is no issue with the Wiim Pro Plus providing at least a 196 kHz output as Coaxial. Now, I am waiting for my Denafrips device to arrive. I am curious about how the performance will be when using the Wiim Pro Plus and Denafrips Ares 12 together. My Pre Amp is the Quad Qc24 with tubes, my Power Amp is the Quad 909, and my Speakers are the tower type Quad 22L2 with upgraded internal wiring using Cardas.
Thanks for the help :)
Denafrips will likely be able to reach 24/192 via optical connection. I have Musician Draco, a related DAC. The optical connection reaches 24/192. Unfortunately, the coaxial connection between Wiim pro and Draco only goes up to 24/7.96. I was able to get Draco 24/192 as a coaxial with other sources, but I didn't succeed with Wiim. I wonder how you will get along with Denafrips on 24/192 via coaxial input.
We will evaluate its performance together when my Denafrips Ares 12 arrives. Thank you.
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Sorry if I wasn’t clear but I am connecting the Pro straight into the Naim nDAC which is a separate unit to the ND5XS. The specs of the nDAC are below so it should be good to handle the 192/24.
I run a WiiM Pro into a Naim nDAC too. I'm very happy with it. I'm using a silver Audioquest coax cable at the moment. I also have an Oyaide silver BNC cable which is also great (I moved it to a better source). Coax is a better connection on the nDAC than Toslink. I played with the Toslink when I first got the Pro and had some problems with 192kHz too. If I recall correctly, the cable that came with the Pro passed 192 but my spendy glass Lifatec Toslink cable wouldn't.

I'm curious if there will be any reason for me to upgrage to the WiiM Ultra when it's available. I'm also hoping the Ultra thread is unlocked soon and is more civil!
I have encountered the same issue. But the problem seems to be the test song while testing at 24-bit 192khz.
Ignore the test feature, just set it to 24-bit 192khz 24-bit 192khz and then go play music from your favorite source. It should work.
I use a toslink cable that comes with WiiM Pro Plus and connect to SMSL D100 Pro DAC. 24bit/192kHz connection is solid when playing.
I have a Wiim pro plus, and its a pain in the....! First off having the app find the device when I first turn it on is always giving me issues. Next is the 192k. It will not lock onto 192k with a coaxial cable. I run my Wiim pro plus to a Bryston DAC. The dac has been confirmed to be working correctly, by bringing to my buddies house and hooking up there. I use a Bluejeans cable and it will not work, and I have tried everything!
Then just yesterday I tried optical out to my Bryston and no luck!! Then I used the optical cable that came with the Wiim, and bingo! Most people say that 192k cannot be achieved using a optical cable!! Then I reached out to a couple of high companies, I wont mention who, because its irrelevant. But they also stated that optical is limited to 96k. Well, have to say sorry, but your wrong! Why has this subject been around for so long! Its either yes or no! I say yes, and my trusty Bryston dac says yes! The other thing is why only certain cables work for either! Both optical or Coaxial. I set my Wiim to fixed output 96k for coaxial because I know my dac will upsample 96k to 192k Or should I used the optical for 192k? Which way would sound better? I dont hear a difference. But It would be nice to get the highest rez from the Wiim. I found the sound to be pretty thin sounding, until I used the room calibration in the Wiim app. Now it sounds fuller, warmer, and so much better. I usually don’t use EQs but in this case the Wiim is the only thing being EQed. The rest of my system stays unaltered and flat. The DAC doesn’t lie, and or can’t change what is coming in. If its 192k then its 192k.
I do not see any benefits of up-sampling except that it can prevent pop with external DAC when source sampling frequency changes. I don't have such issue with SMSL D100 Pro - no pop with switching to different sampling frequency between tracks.

WiiM stock optical cable is good enough 192kHz. No reason to buy a third party cable unless I need a longer run.
I'm sure someone reported an issue with their dac not being able to lock on to the 192khz signal over coax a while ago.
Edit: it was likely this post I was thinking of
The author writes about an optical connection. He does not have a coaxial one.
Read it again. He says
"Next is the 192k. It will not lock onto 192k with a coaxial cable. I run my Wiim pro plus to a Bryston DAC. The dac has been confirmed to be working correctly, by bringing to my buddies house and hooking up there. I use a Bluejeans cable and it will not work, and I have tried everything!"
If this helps anyone I think I have solved this issue. For whatever reason the wiiM output and input 24bit 192khz is very sensitive to the cable. It makes sense, the cable is transmitting a light; you do not want to bend it anywhere. Even tucking it away in a cable concealer causes a bend in the cable. There are somethings that work; have the wiim playing a 24bit 192khz file on a continuous loop; you can not insert the cable fully; for whatever reason; inserting the cable fully can cause the light to just not hit the sensor within the wiiM properly.

Otherwise; buy a new cable and be very careful not to place a bend in the cable.
If this helps anyone I think I have solved this issue. For whatever reason the wiiM output and input 24bit 192khz is very sensitive to the cable. It makes sense, the cable is transmitting a light; you do not want to bend it anywhere. Even tucking it away in a cable concealer causes a bend in the cable. There are somethings that work; have the wiim playing a 24bit 192khz file on a continuous loop; you can not insert the cable fully; for whatever reason; inserting the cable fully can cause the light to just not hit the sensor within the wiiM properly.

Otherwise; buy a new cable and be very careful not to place a bend in the cable.
Presumably you mean a sharp bend. Gentle bends are fine.
On my Denon AVR S960H, same WiiM Pro, same cable. Optical 1 will only play up to 24 bit 94khz. Optical 2 will play 24 bit 192khz