Anyone else having issues with the latest update and Roon?


New member
Jul 11, 2023
A few days ago I installed the Roon update and everything was working beautifully. This morning, I got a message about another update so I installed it. Now, every time I play from Roon, it switches to 44kHZ even though the bitrates are higher. If I play from Qobuz directly, it switched to the correct bitrate. I'm connected to my DAC with coax. If I go to setup in Wiim and set up the coax resolution to 192 and play test audio it will switch to 192. but as soon as I play Roon it switches to 44. Any one else?
<edit> Just tried Amazon Music and that works at correct bitrate as well. It seems to just be an issue when playing Roon through the Wiim.
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