Have you tried using Open Network Stream with this URL?Listening to BBC Radio 3 from BBC Radio under music services on the Wiim Pro I get the warning message about the service stopping, and it only streams at 128kbps rather than 320kbps.
No! I am looking for the simplest solution and that would be for Wiim to support BBC Sounds. In the meantime, I can cast BBC Sounds to the Wiim Pro or just switch on the radio.Have you tried using Open Network Stream with this URL?
Seconded. It’s very well maintained and up to dateLMS do a very good integration that I use with my WiiM Pro
noNo! I am looking for the simplest solution and that would be for Wiim to support BBC Sounds. In the meantime, I can cast BBC Sounds to the Wiim Pro or just switch on the radio.
Have you tried using Open Network Stream with this URL?
Yeah, but might be geofenced for non uk usersIs this link 320kbps over WiiM?
Yes, normal. The bbc hi res streams are uk only afaikI am not aware of this fact the bbc and its internet flows etc.
on the other hand, the radios pointed out by wiim in "bbc radio" are all really poor quality.. contrary to the strong reputation of the bbc in its audio approaches...
What is LMS and how do you set it upLMS do a very good integration that I use with my WiiM Pro
Logitech Media Server (see https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Logitech_Media_Server)What is LMS and how do you set it up
Logitech Media Server (see https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Logitech_Media_Server)
I have mine set up on an old Raspberry Pi I had using piCorePlayer, but you can also install it on Linux, Microsoft Windows, Apple Macintosh, and BSD platforms. It did take a bit of trial and error on my part to setup as it had been a while since I had used the Pi, but I think it's now settled down. I use its UPNPbridge plugin to make the WiiM Pro visible as a player and it runs fairly well. I followed the instructions here.