Bummer if you use Apple music

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Hi Team,

The software can't add AirPlay since the device requires an MFi authentication chip. We can only sell devices with this chip after certification. Therefore, a separate SKU and hardware are necessary to support AirPlay for the WiiM Ultra.
Hi Team,

The software can't add AirPlay since the device requires an MFi authentication chip. We can only sell devices with this chip after certification. Therefore, a separate SKU and hardware are necessary to support AirPlay for the WiiM Ultra.
That doesn't make recent and future purchasers of the Ultra wiser.
Easy skill: Will the Ultra have AirPlay?
That doesn't make recent and future purchasers of the Ultra wiser.
Easy skill: Will the Ultra will get AirPlay?
I’m thinking once the certification is completed the old one will be discontinued to be updated with airplay.
I’m thinking once the certification is completed the old one will be discontinued to be updated with airplay.
A part of crowd here, including me and you, is "thinking". What else can we do. But these thoughts do not answer the simple question: Will it ever happen? Is WiiM working on it? Or is a final decision, by whom ever, already done?
So all early adopters get free replacements? This is madness. They should have waited and not rushed out an unfinished product.
I doubt they will do that. I think once that completed the old one will be discontinued and replaced with the updated version. They may even raise the price to 350 because of this added feature. Remember the price poll? This maybe reason why this unit is 330 because it’s missing feature.
I doubt they will do that. I think once that completed the old one will be discontinued and replaced with the updated version. They may even raise the price to 350 because of this added feature. Remember the price poll? This maybe reason why this unit is 330 because it’s missing feature.
If they bring out a new version with airplay there will be a lot of unhappy customers. Actually maybe there won't be because they will have already returned the airplayless units. If everyone returned them it would make the decision to launch the Ultra early without airplay a spectacular own goal.
Once the users starts reading this post, we will see tons of comments. Very disappointed! Like what wiim stated on previous comment only to be reciprocated on this latest comment.
Whole Airplay story related to WiiM devices and especially the Ultra is a bunch of misleading statements.
Interesting, so why was this chip omitted when AirPlay was clearly listed as a feature in the original press release that has since been edited by WiiM?
Can you imagine every line of wiim devices even mini has it but not ultra? First they said it’s on progress of certification now it say there’s no chip inside. This led people to buy them because the statement they made only to reciprocate it.
Wow, that was unexpected. As an early Ultra buyer I would be furious.
Sounds like while the rush to market the MFi chip was somehow lost.
It sounds more that this MFi chip was/is in the design all along, but with certification problems or delays (WiiM to clarify status and something like a non-binding target ETA) they decided to start shipping Ultra versions. So it means it was deliberately! decided to ship with the chip removed/omitted without any proper communication!?

Curious what kind of replacement policy they will handle (if any) to try and redeem.

Seems WiiM is trying to build a relationship (question on next products etc) but reality is trust is much easier lost than build.

Understand people are disturbed by this...
However, let's give WiiM the chance now as well to communicate and find a solution. Mistakes are made by every company (and beyond).
This is unfortunate, to say the least.

There was no mention here about needing new hardware.
Post in thread 'Meet WiiM Ultra - The Digital Hub for Your Music' https://forum.wiimhome.com/threads/meet-wiim-ultra-the-digital-hub-for-your-music.3487/post-61029
Taking these statements by the letter, they also did not literally promise that AirPlay was coming to the current Ultra. They explicitly recommended not buying the Ultra right now, if AirPlay has priority.

Of course, we've all got used to features being added by new firmware versions and that's certainly what I had expected.

So all early adopters get free replacements? This is madness.
A separate "AirPlay adapter", as mentioned on the other thread, only given to customers actively asking for it, would be ... how should I phrase it ... at least a little less unlikely. But I wouldn't bet my money on it.

While the Ultra uses the same CPU as e.g. the Amp, the platform is obviously heavily redesigned in many other aspects. I could imagine that what's missing now really was an oversight. At least in the past, it appears that Apple would support MFi certification by means of hardware or software:

Maybe (and just maybe) that approach has changed in the meantime. Without being part of the MFi program, Apple won't tell us about if they are only supporting the MFi hardware path by now. They do however state, that mass production can begin "upon completion of certification approved by Apple" ... 😶

It sounds more that this MFi chip was/is in the design all along, but with certification problems or delays (WiiM to clarify status and something like a non-binding target ETA) they decided to start shipping Ultra versions. So it means it was deliberately! decided to ship with the chip removed/omitted without any proper communication!?
That’s exactly what I meant by “was lost”. Shipping early seemed to be a higher priority than MFi/AirPlay certification.
Hi Team,

We have clearly stated on our Amazon listing and website for the WiiM Ultra that the device does not support AirPlay, and we have no intention of misleading our buyers. We hope you continue to trust us as before.

We've included a highlighted note, a comparison table, and product specifications to emphasize this. If you have any suggestions to make it clearer, please let us know and we will implement them.
Hi Team,

We have clearly stated on our Amazon listing and website for the WiiM Ultra that the device does not support AirPlay, and we have no intention of misleading our buyers. We hope you continue to trust us as before.

We've included a highlighted note, a comparison table, and product specifications to emphasize this. If you have any suggestions to make it clearer, please let us know and we will implement them.

So how come that, to this day, in all listings/descriptions of all german dealers, even in the listing of the german distributor, Airplay 2 is listed in the specs???
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