When browsing Home Music Share in the WiiM Home app (example: NAS hosted files using Minimserver), allow a long press and drag to quickly scan to different places in the alphabet, or provide another means to quickly browse lengthy lists of alphabetically sorted tags (artist, track, etc) by being able to jump directly to an alphabetic position in the list. The Sonos app has/had a good example of this with a very minimal scroll bar position on the right side of the list that shows the current alphabet position when holding a finger down on it. It could then be drug down immediately to the desired letter of the alphabet in a single move.
Right now if I want to browse my "Artist" listings starting with the letter "T," I have to swipe up ~10+ times to get down to the "T's"
Right now if I want to browse my "Artist" listings starting with the letter "T," I have to swipe up ~10+ times to get down to the "T's"