Help with basic setup? Software missing link? (another Sonos defector)


New member
Jun 28, 2024
Another sonos defector.

What I have:
  • ~1TB of music in various formats formerly an iTunes library.
  • Synology NAS with Minimserver. Wired to router.
  • A Wiim Amp to a pair of Klipsch speakers. Wired to router.
  • A Wiim Mini to a portable speaker, wi-fi.
  • An android phone.
  • A Windows laptop
  • An iPad
  • A 2-year old samsung(?) tablet
What I want to do:
  • Play my music files to the wiim amp, to the wiim mini, and to my phone (if possible?)
  • Clean up my library. Throw some stuff out, fix tags, create some new playlists. Willing to do this on a laptop, but would prefer doing it on a tablet on my sofa with some coffee.
  • Fix music tags on the fly and have that save to the main copy on the NAS ( I think this means reindexing with minimserver?)
  • Use my phone or a dedicated tablet as a controller, that also shows what music is currently playing.
  • Play old iTunes playlists? Maybe. Will build new if I have to.
I think I have all the hardware I need - but what software to make it all talk to each other? I don't mind paying for software, but would prefer a non-subscription type.

I am NOT a power user.

Input appreciated.
With the Android app BubbleUPnP you'll be able to play to the:
  • grouped/ungrouped WiiM devices
  • phone itself
  • grouped/ungrouped Sonos devices you may still have around
You'll then only need the WiiM Home app to setup and group/ungroup the WiiM devices, unless of course you need to access streaming services.

I'm not aware of any tablet app for editing metadata, I use foobar2000 or Mp3tag on Windows.
"Clean up my library. Throw some stuff out, fix tags, create some new playlists. Willing to do this on a laptop, but would prefer doing it on a tablet on my sofa with some coffee."

Just use a laptop, foobar, tag & rename, or mp3tag.
Don't make your life miserable attempting to use a tablet for tagging.

I wouldn't recommend auto tagging, too risky.
With the Android app BubbleUPnP you'll be able to play to the:
  • grouped/ungrouped WiiM devices
  • phone itself
  • grouped/ungrouped Sonos devices you may still have around
You'll then only need the WiiM Home app to setup and group/ungroup the WiiM devices, unless of course you need to access streaming services.

I'm not aware of any tablet app for editing metadata, I use foobar2000 or Mp3tag on Windows.
yes that would get you 90% of the way there for sure. BubbleUPnP is solid. many others on here would recommend looking into Lyrion Music Server (LMS) or Roon.

i've been testing audirvana recently, and tbf it's pretty cool. but it's just not as good as the WiiM home app (WHA) overall imo. and it's annoying that you can't have more than one instance of the app running at the same time.

overall i still prefer the WHA over all the others with the exception of roon maybe which just about beats WHA. if it just had local syncing of search/recently played data across phones/tablets... would make things a lot easier for me
Re your iTunes playlists, you’ll be able to export them as m3u (or m3u8) playlists. You’ll however need to run them thru Notepad to change backslashes to forward slashes (or the other way around ;) ) and also change their root volume/folder but that’s easily done. If you export one and paste the first few lines here, we should be able to advise you.
Re your iTunes playlists, you’ll be able to export them as m3u (or m3u8) playlists. You’ll however need to run them thru Notepad to change backslashes to forward slashes (or the other way around ;) ) and also change their root volume/folder but that’s easily done. If you export one and paste the first few lines here, we should be able to advise you.
i believe soundiiz can be used for this as well, if you want to save yourself the hassle...
i believe soundiiz can be used for this as well, if you want to save yourself the hassle...
Can’t see an option to output in a format suitable for Minimserver, and it looks like you still need to first export from iTunes although I would have thought they’d have been able to use the iTunes XML library file directly. The notepad edits are pretty straightforward