I hope there can be a delay setting of the speaker, and the distance has been adjusted.


Nov 15, 2023
I hope there can be a delay setting of the speaker, and the distance has been adjusted.

I hope to have this function, because the distance from the speaker to our listening is sometimes not very symmetrical, which will make the sound time difference a lot, so I hope that the distance can be used to adjust the delay of a few milliseconds of the left and right speakers.
Delay from what?
You mention symmetry which implies one speaker to the other, but then mention delays for both channels.
How non-symmetrical?
1 ms is about 30 cm / 1 foot.
A few ms implies your speakers are about 1 metre off symmetrical from your listening position.
Adjust your speakers / position! ;)
I hope there can be a delay setting of the speaker, and the distance has been adjusted.

I hope to have this function, because the distance from the speaker to our listening is sometimes not very symmetrical, which will make the sound time difference a lot, so I hope that the distance can be used to adjust the delay of a few milliseconds of the left and right speakers.

I’ve highlighted the key word. It implies that sometimes it is symmetrical.

If you were to input a delay for a speaker to handle the times you’re not central, then it’d sound ‘bad’ when you say in the symmetrical position.

You’d need to turn it on and off every time you moved.

Plenty of AV amps control speaker delay, but I can’t think of one where you can turn it on and off instantly with one click of the remote; you need to go into menus, sub-menus, and sub-sub-menus.

And finally, delay between the signal coming from each speaker is not the only problem with sitting off centre, and indeed not the main one. As such, it would cure little.