Is it true the power, which it offers at 4 ohms? 120W/c?


Mar 14, 2024
Hello guys!!
I was going to buy a Yamaha R - N800A

There are many options, all separately, an integrated amplifier plus internal DAC.... Wiin, that's the beauty of this hobby.

In any case, what my head is spinning is that this Wiim, the official website says that it offers 120w/channel/4oh and the Yamaha, which I am looking at, offers 100W/channel/4oh

Can this be true? Sometimes I have heard that the Ws of depending on which brand are not the same as those of another brand:
My only doubt or fear is how they are going to move my Dali opticon 6 mkII, the funny thing is that looking at the specifications... it even has more power than the Yamaha RN 800 that I am looking at...

So with data in hand, the fear would have to come from the Yamaha RN 800 and not from the Wiin in power characteristics, and, either I'm missing something, or it seems surreal to me!! 120w per channel!!! To reach that power in an integrated amplifier you don't need to go below €1000!!

On the other hand, I have read on the official Wiin forum that they recommend monitors, which I don't quite understand, because with that power they "should" be able to move some towers with ease!! There is a cat locked in the power that they indicate or not...

What is your opinion?
Forgive my English, I'm from Spain.
Mathematically, 4Ohms is half the resistance of 8Ohms, so it will have more watts at 4 than 8, provided the power supply and design can handle the wattage.

Whether double is realistic or not I'm not sure, given that there are losses in most circuit designs.

You can tell if a design is power limited, because the 8 and 4 ohm readings are the same.

For example my old technics su-v1x which is 40w per channel at both 4 and 8 ohms.

The WiiM amp boasts double power at 4 Ohms, and given the efficiency of class D I can believe that. Also, my WiiM Amp has no trouble driving the 3.5Ohm Nominal Wharfedale Lintons.
Matemáticamente, 4 ohmios es la mitad de la resistencia de 8 ohmios, por lo que tendrá más vatios en 4 que en 8, siempre que la fuente de alimentación y el diseño puedan soportar la potencia.

No estoy seguro de si el doble es realista o no, dado que hay pérdidas en la mayoría de los diseños de circuitos.

Puedes saber si un diseño tiene limitación de energía porque las lecturas de 8 y 4 ohmios son las mismas.

Por ejemplo, mi antiguo technics su-v1x, que tiene 40 vatios por canal a 4 y 8 ohmios.

El amplificador WiiM cuenta con el doble de potencia a 4 ohmios y, dada la eficiencia de la clase DI, puedo creerlo. Además, mi amplificador WiiM no tiene problemas para manejar los Wharfedale Lintons nominales de 3,5 ohmios.

thank you very much for the response.

Do you think they will be able to make my Dali Opticon 6 mkIIs ring with 4 oh?
Class D amplifiers are capable of high performance in a small footprint and without overheating. I have the Wiim Amp connected to 200 litre speakers with 200W of musical power and the Wiim Amp plays them beautifully without any problems.
Dali Opticon 6 mkII - I wouldn't be afraid to connect them to the Wiim Amp at all.
thank you very much for the response.

Do you think they will be able to make my Dali Opticon 6 mkIIs ring with 4 oh?
Check the sensitivity of your speakers and have a read thru the WiiM amp threads where “sensitivity” is discussed.
thank you very much for the response.

Do you think they will be able to make my Dali Opticon 6 mkIIs ring with 4 oh?
If they are 88-90db sensitivity I can't see any issues.

Some people are using the amp with the kef ls50 metas, which are 86db, however I don't have a pair so I can't verify how well this works.
Siempre sonriendo por estas discusiones de Watt que pensé que estaban enterradas. ¡Mi amplificador tiene especificaciones de 80W por canal con 8 ohmios y 130W por canal con 4 ohmios y controla mis 15 ohmios! Altavoces absolutamente con facilidad y suena maravilloso.
Poco después de comprar el amplificador WiiM, un amigo mío trajo su nuevo dispositivo y el WiiM mostró suficiente potencia para impulsar mi Rogers. Mientras ninguna catedral tenga que llenarse de música. El gran volumen no es señal de calidad.
Entonces sí, el WiiM Amp no tendrá problemas con tu Dalis.
Hello mate.

Nobody has said that power has anything to do with quality.

I have a 40m2 basement and I am afraid of not filling it.
I use a WiiM amp with my KEF LS50 Metas and it has no problems driving them is a relatively small office where I have them set up. Not sure how it would do driving the KEFs in my larger main room but it may be fun to try it out.
It’s been properly measured to provide 122W into 4 ohms.

It’s been properly measured to provide 122W into 4 ohms.

Yes, I confirm. I heard it with my own ears.
IRL under normal non-ear busting, keeping wife happy, neighborhood mob mitigating sound levels, an amp generally pushes out no more than 5W with slight increases during dynamic low frequency slams. This is with modern efficient speakers.

Wattage is such a commodity these days that it really shouldn't be an issue. Like DAC, this is an audio aspect long solved.
IRL under normal non-ear busting, keeping wife happy, neighborhood mob mitigating sound levels, an amp generally pushes out no more than 5W with slight increases during dynamic low frequency slams. This is with modern efficient speakers.

Wattage is such a commodity these days that it really shouldn't be an issue. Like DAC, this is an audio aspect long solved.
Indeed, when I listen even at levels where the bass rattles the windows, the amp rarely goes above 10w on the VU meter.
Just go playing exciter,s album ,long live the loud, at 80% volume..if the police arrives at you,re door for noise disturbance then you know you're neighbours " approve" the amp has enough power.😅😅😅

Don't be surprised if the neighbours won't be greeting you ever again 😅
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I am reading this post also, and i am suprised that the wiim amp is that loud in your cases.
At the weekend i have a party and i have to say the amp is not loud enough. I am using klipsch rb 2 with around 95 db, and i measured the volume and it is about 92 db at 1 meter distance.
Do you think there is something wrong with my amp (max sound is at 100%)

Best Regards
I am reading this post also, and i am suprised that the wiim amp is that loud in your cases.
At the weekend i have a party and i have to say the amp is not loud enough. I am using klipsch rb 2 with around 95 db, and i measured the volume and it is about 92 db at 1 meter distance.
Do you think there is something wrong with my amp (max sound is at 100%)

Best Regards
Maybe I'm asking the wrong question, but how do you measure? With an app on your phone? I can try the same app...
If they are 88-90db sensitivity I can't see any issues.

Some people are using the amp with the kef ls50 metas, which are 86db, however I don't have a pair so I can't verify how well this works.
I am using the WiiM Amp with the LS50 Metas in a ~ 30sqm room they are great and plenty loud enough for me without even pushing the volume to 50%