Is Wiim moving away from AirPlay?

I don't want to continue to invest in this whole home audio strategy if it's going to be a dead end and I am just going to have to toss everything and start over. I am tempted to buy another pro plus for that room instead but want to know that Airplay is going to be supported going forward before spending anymore money on what could potentially be a dead end. Honestly spent a half hour googling this, I could not believe this was true, it seems like table stakes for any streamer.
This is how we former Sonos customers feel. Fortunately for me when I ordered the Ultra for the music room, I already had an AppleTV in there just to extend the bluetooth connection for my front door's lock for HomeKit, so with a DAC that I already had doing nothing at the time, I was able to Airplay to my Ultra in this fashion. Personally, as long as I have extra Apple TVs or Airport Expresses sitting around (which I do), I'm ok with separating devices, which I learned from previously owning Sonos when that poor app launch killed all 7 of my rooms at once.