Keine Bitrateninformationen am Line In

Or - putting it in other words - the bitrate of the PCM stream created by the ADC behind the line input will constantly be how you set it up in Device settings > Audio input > Line-In Input Resolution:

Well, that's how the analog input will be digitised by the wiim, and yes, thus resulting in creating a specific bitrate from that input.
But there's still no bitrate for an analog input itself, such as 900 kbps that you might see for a streaming input.
To me it makes sense that wiim doesn't show its adc bitrate info for an analog input, but I can also see that others may quite like that, as misleading as it might be.
Which devices have the line in digitization settings?
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Which devices has the line in digitization settings?
Good question!
If I had to guess I'd say the pro plus and the amp. Mainly 'cos I can't find this option anywhere for the mini nor pro ;)
But maybe someone who actually knows will answer...
Which devices have the line in digitization settings?
The Pro Plus and the Amp as they have the improved ADC and can convert up to 24/192. The earlier models have a fixed 16/48 iirc.
To me it makes sense that wiim doesn't show its adc bitrate info for an analog input, but I can also see that others may quite like that, as misleading as it might be.
Since decide on your own what bit depth and sampling rate to use, displaying the bitrate sounds plain bollocks to me. :)
I don't see any bitrate via digital either ??


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