Linked Wiim issues (playing with optical, not with streaming)


Dec 14, 2022
So this one is a head scratcher for me.

I use optical and line -in into my Ultra. I have an amp pro, and two Wiim Pro Pluses linked. The linked Wiims work perfectly.

However, today I tried streaming (via Roon as well as Spotify) and the linked players would not play. I can hear through the Ultra, but the others were silent. I tried streaming to the Amp Pro alone, and that worked perfectly. I then tried linking the ultra to the Amp Pro (basically the opposite of my usual set up) and, again, it only played through the "main" wiim.

I switched back to using the Ultra as the input device and linking the Amp Pro. Using the optical in, I had no problem at all. I switched back to streaming, and, again, it only played through the Ultra.

I tried changing the SPDIF resolution (which never gave me an issue in the past) and no change. When I played the test tone, it played through both the Ultra AND the linked Amp. But when I went back to streaming, same issue. Only sound through the Ultra, not the linked Amp.

I have tried rebooting all the devices. I uninstalled and reinstalled the app. All Wiims have been updated to the latest firmware.

I feel like I'm missing something unbelievably simple, but for whatever reason, I just don't see it.

I truly appreciate any help you can give me, if just to make me not feel like I'm crazy, lol.

Wondering if you're streaming using chromecast?
Yes, Spotify normally uses spotify connect, but can use chromecast; similar for roon I believe.
Chromecast is known to behave this way with wiim groups.

Thanks for your reply. I was looking into it, and it looked like spotify was using connect. To be on the safe side, I accessed Spotify through the Wiim app. And it worked by doing that. I also tried Tidal via the app, and that worked. However, using Roon still isn't working. I tried connecting the Ultra via Roon Ready connection. I also disabled the Roon speaker option into the Ultra, as I know that utilizes Chromecast. But still no Roon playing through linked devices.

On the upside, I can access Tidal, Qobuz, and Spotify through the Wiim app, and it plays through the connected devices.

Now I just have to work on that pesky Roon connection.

Thank you again for chiming in. I appreciate it!
Very strange, 'cos all that does is launch the spotify app.
I know. This whole situation has really flummoxed me!

Tidal and Spotify Connect are now working as expected. The Qobuz app will not (Chromecast issues are starting to make sense). But if I use Qobuz within the Wiim app, all is fine.

Again, thanks so much. You put me on the right path vis-a-vis Chromecast issues.