Squeezelite LMS Stops Working


Dec 29, 2023
Any one having this issue? It started for me yesterday. I would play a song or playlist. After 1 or 2 songs it's unable to respond to any play commands. Play, pause, or next. I can load different songs or playlists but it does not play.

I have to restart the server to get it to work and then after a few songs it happens again.

I just updated to LMS 8.4 this week and running the server on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS.

Other apps via Wiim work fine.
It works fine here.

Here's my lms solution which runs lms in a docker container and pulls music from a TrueNAS server NFS share.

#!/usr/bin/env bash



echo $date "==> stopping "$name
docker stop $name

echo $date "==> removing old "$name" container"
docker rm $name

echo $date "==> removing old images"
docker image prune -f

echo "==> Removing old volumes"
old_volumes=$(docker volume ls -q -f dangling=true)
if [ -n "$old_volumes"  ]; then
    echo "Removing old volumes:"
    echo "$old_volumes" | xargs docker volume rm

echo $date "==> pulling new "$name" container"
docker pull $image

echo $date "==> recreating "$name
docker create \
    --name=$name \
    -e PUID=1000 \
    -e PGID=1000 \
    -e TZ=Europe/London \
    -v /home/docker/$name/config:/config \
    --mount ${MUSIC} \
    -v /home/docker/$name/playlist:"/playlist":rw \
    -p 9002:9002/tcp \
    -p 9090:9090/tcp \
    -p 3483:3483/tcp \
    -p 3483:3483/udp \
    -e HTTP_PORT=9002 \
    --restart unless-stopped \

echo $date "==> restarting "$name
docker start $name
Any one having this issue? It started for me yesterday. I would play a song or playlist. After 1 or 2 songs it's unable to respond to any play commands. Play, pause, or next. I can load different songs or playlists but it does not play.
It's probably better to ask LMS questions on their forum.
Any one having this issue? It started for me yesterday. I would play a song or playlist. After 1 or 2 songs it's unable to respond to any play commands. Play, pause, or next. I can load different songs or playlists but it does not play.

I have to restart the server to get it to work and then after a few songs it happens again.

I just updated to LMS 8.4 this week and running the server on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS.

Other apps via Wiim work fine.
You should be looking at 8.5 which is the latest stable release - https://lms-community.github.io/lms-server-repository/

That said I have no issue with a WiiM Pro (ethernet) and an 8.4 server.
Using WiiM Amp:
Player Model: SqueezeLite
Player Type: squeezelite
Firmware: v1.9.9-1432

Latest LMS docker version is 8.5.1:

Logitech Media Server Version: 8.5.1 - 1710430218 @ Fri Mar 15 04:14:33 CET 2024
Hostname: 4f3409c637fc
Server IP Address:
Server HTTP Port Number: 9002
Operating system: Debian (Docker) - EN - utf8
Platform Architecture: x86_64-linux
Database Version: SQLite
Total Players Recognized: 1
Yes the Community Image is what I meant. I take it then that there is nothing esoteric about your Ubuntu host.

Have you posted in https://forums.slimdevices.com/ as you are more likely to get a response there. Use the Linux/Unix area and the dedicated Docker thread - https://forums.slimdevices.com/forum/user-forums/linux-unix/108546-official-docker-container-for-lms

Why Port 9002?
BTW, I'm not the OP. My docker setup runs fine in my environment. I posted my docker setup script as an alternative way to set it up that's reproducible for anyone helping the OP debug his setup.

There are a bunch of examples including a 9000 mapping and a 9002 mapping for the http port number. It's just ports coming out of the container which can usually be mapped to anything sensible.
BTW, I'm not the OP. My docker setup runs fine in my environment. I posted my docker setup script as an alternative way to set it up that's reproducible for anyone helping the OP debug his setup.

There are a bunch of examples including a 9000 mapping and a 9002 mapping for the http port number. It's just ports coming out of the container which can usually be mapped to anything sensible.
Sorry. Got mixed up.
Any one having this issue? It started for me yesterday. I would play a song or playlist. After 1 or 2 songs it's unable to respond to any play commands. Play, pause, or next. I can load different songs or playlists but it does not play.

I have to restart the server to get it to work and then after a few songs it happens again.

I just updated to LMS 8.4 this week and running the server on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS.

Other apps via Wiim work fine.
I've had this with my Amp. A reboot of the Amp fixed the problem. Will keep an eye on it.

I also posted this on the LMS forums and not much help there either.

I did update to 8.5 and now it seems to have improved. I happened a few times in the beginning but has not happened over the last week.

Fingers crossed.
I also posted this on the LMS forums and not much help there either.

I did update to 8.5 and now it seems to have improved. I happened a few times in the beginning but has not happened over the last week.

Fingers crossed.
It has been happening to me regularly over the past day whilst testing my Amp. It seems to happen for me when I change the music output from BT to Speaker and back to a new BT device. The only option seems to restart the Amp.

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