Squeezelite No artist or album listings in LMS search results


I had a quick look and I don't think MinimServer returns the artist artwork when performing a search, but that could just be my configuration as I attribute artist artwork to the AlbumArtistSort index. I'll take a look in the morning.
It was indeed because I was linking the images to the AlbumArtistSort tag and not the Artist tag.

If you load some artist images into a folder called indexArtwork in the root of your MinimServer content directory and set:
serverOptions: indexArtwork=all
After a rescan you should see the artist image returned in the search results, but currently only from the global search!

The global search

The search from within Home Music Share

Interestingly every time I input/delete a character from the search bar (which stupidly still triggers a UPnP search) the image flashes up only to be replaced by his initials.

I guess I'll raise a ticket.
The whole part of searching character by character for UPnP, but not against other sources, the ones more appropriate for that style of query, is indeed odd. This is one of the most important user flows in the whole app, wish they'd give it even more attention.
Interestingly every time I input/delete a character from the search bar (which stupidly still triggers a UPnP search) the image flashes up only to be replaced by his initials.

I guess I'll raise a ticket.
I've just received a test build containing a fix (for artist image disappearing from search results, not search after every keypress).

Very impressive @WiiM Team @WiiM Support
It's been a while since this issue was posted, so you might have already addressed this issue in one way or another. However, for what its worth, I encountered the same issue, and just before reading this thread I sent a note to Wiim support asking if it was possible for the app to display the LMS content, and if so, how. After reading reading others' contributions to this thread I'm thinking that it's perhaps not possible without the referenced plugin. Having said that, I'll update this post once I hear back from Wiim support. I agree that there should be a straightforward way to do this, but I also agree that there are more robust iOS and Android apps that will accomplish what you want. I use iPeng (in the App Store), which is well worth the one-time fee of $9. Hope this helps, Mike
Per my previous message regarding this issue - Here's the somewhat unsatisfying written response I received from Wiim support: "We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience. Currently, our design does not support displaying all song information from LMS synchronously within the app. We have added your request to our feature list. If there is an opportunity to implement this feature in the future, we will definitely consider it."

Fortunately, there's the iPeng app. BTW - On the chance some are unaware of this, there's also a great iPeng in-app feature you can purchase for five bucks that can potentially obsolete the need for the Wiim device (if it's only function is being a LMS Player). It's called "Peng Playback". This add-in turns your iOS device into a LMS Player. You can then use your iPhone or iPad's Airplay2 or Bluetooth to stream to any device with a BT or AP2 receiver. Hope this helps. Mike
Per my previous message regarding this issue - Here's the somewhat unsatisfying written response I received from Wiim support: "We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience. Currently, our design does not support displaying all song information from LMS synchronously within the app. We have added your request to our feature list. If there is an opportunity to implement this feature in the future, we will definitely consider it."

Fortunately, there's the iPeng app. BTW - On the chance some are unaware of this, there's also a great iPeng in-app feature you can purchase for five bucks that can potentially obsolete the need for the Wiim device (if it's only function is being a LMS Player). It's called "Peng Playback". This add-in turns your iOS device into a LMS Player. You can then use your iPhone or iPad's Airplay2 or Bluetooth to stream to any device with a BT or AP2 receiver. Hope this helps. Mike
Let me add that if you are simply looking for a controller for LMS that will properly display Now Playing info then the Material skin accessed via Safari on your iPhone/iPad and “add to Home Screen” is arguably better than iPeng but it does not include a player.

The player functionality of iPeng is excellent but it does have a caveat or two. The main one being that it does not support Crossfade. As well as Airplay and Bluetooth it can of course output via the Apple Camera Kit to a connected USB DAC but is limited to 24/96 even if the DAC supports higher.

An iPhone, iPeng with DAC and decent headphones makes for a pretty good portable player. Add a VPN like Tailscale and it can work remotely.

I use the iPeng player but control it with Material.
Per my previous message regarding this issue - Here's the somewhat unsatisfying written response I received from Wiim support: "We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience. Currently, our design does not support displaying all song information from LMS synchronously within the app. We have added your request to our feature list. If there is an opportunity to implement this feature in the future, we will definitely consider it."

Fortunately, there's the iPeng app. BTW - On the chance some are unaware of this, there's also a great iPeng in-app feature you can purchase for five bucks that can potentially obsolete the need for the Wiim device (if it's only function is being a LMS Player). It's called "Peng Playback". This add-in turns your iOS device into a LMS Player. You can then use your iPhone or iPad's Airplay2 or Bluetooth to stream to any device with a BT or AP2 receiver. Hope this helps. Mike
Strange one as the Ultra’s display and android app seem to keep up ok…
Let me add that if you are simply looking for a controller for LMS that will properly display Now Playing info then the Material skin accessed via Safari on your iPhone/iPad and “add to Home Screen” is arguably better than iPeng but it does not include a player.

The player functionality of iPeng is excellent but it does have a caveat or two. The main one being that it does not support Crossfade. As well as Airplay and Bluetooth it can of course output via the Apple Camera Kit to a connected USB DAC but is limited to 24/96 even if the DAC supports higher.

An iPhone, iPeng with DAC and decent headphones makes for a pretty good portable player. Add a VPN like Tailscale and it can work remotely.

I use the iPeng player but control it with Material.
Great point. Just tried what you suggested, and it's a great alternative. I'm pretty new to the LMS so I'm still catching on. BTW - Do you, or anybody else reading this know if there's a LMS plug-in that allows for controlling the balance between the left and right channel? Thanks, Mike
Great point. Just tried what you suggested, and it's a great alternative. I'm pretty new to the LMS so I'm still catching on. BTW - Do you, or anybody else reading this know if there's a LMS plug-in that allows for controlling the balance between the left and right channel? Thanks, Mike
Using Material go to Player Settings, then Extra Settings, change the dropdown from Basic Settings to Audio. Scroll down and you will find a Balance slider.

Using Default, go to Settings, then Player Settings, then Audio then Balance
If you are using LMS then the only need to use the WiiM Home App after initial setup arises if you are using a music service that isn’t supported by LMS. The only one of note is Amazon Music.

If you use any of the other mainstream services then everything is catered for directly in LMS via plugins.

For me, and I suspect many others, perhaps more than WiiM expected, the WiiM devices are simply very decent pre built Squeezebox players from a current manufacturer. I hardly ever go anywhere near the WiiM Home App.
Using Material go to Player Settings, then Extra Settings, change the dropdown from Basic Settings to Audio. Scroll down and you will find a Balance slider.

Using Default, go to Settings, then Player Settings, then Audio then Balance
Thanks so much - I had looked in extra settings, but didn't realize that additional menus/settings were nested like that - Still learning.