Lots of ‘issues’ could be cleared with one feature (mod edit to aid search: Profiles/ Scenes)

Steve Woodhouse

Major Contributor
Aug 11, 2023

The idea is, you open the app, and the first thing you see is a list of profiles to choose from.

For each profile you can choose input, input level, EQ settings, whether room correction is on or off, and output.

So it might be that you have three ins, turntable, TV (on optical) and streamer .You listen with your speakers, and two different headphones with different EQ settings. You want room correction on for speaker listening, off for headphone use. You want to use a DAC for the speaker listening, a headphone amp driven by the RCAs for headphones.

So you have a ‘profile’ for each use. The list might be:

- Streamer on speakers (uses room correction, no EQ, optical out)
- Streamer on Sennheiser HD600s (room correction off, EQ for those headphones on, RCA out)
- Streamer on Beyer DT990s (room correction off, EQ for those headphones on, RCA out)
- Turntable on speakers (uses room correction, no EQ, (optical out)
- Turntable on HD600s (room correction off, EQ for those headphones, RCA out)

Etc, etc. And finally, volume level for each one.

Just a thought.
Upvote 3
I’m about to say something that as an ex-programmer (from the days of dinosaur mainframes) that I normally hate to read, akin to the “surely it’s just a one line change” without having any knowledge of the actual coding structure of the programme or the resulting testing regime 😂

Most music apps in part basically manage sets of lists, and I would have thought using a standard list library would mean that you could save, restore, sort, display, edit etc lists and their contents. So in the WiiM app, profiles, EQ presets, network streams, playlist/album contents and so on could all be handled via one common interface which defines the number, name and types of the list components, with some specific code as required. There’s clearly an issue with my grumpy old programmer logic as that approach doesn’t seem to be universally used in apps…
If anything, I'd rather have a multifunctional second-generation remote. It encompasses the basic operations of WHA. Also, I would like to have a "scene button" that the remote of the Yamaha AVR has. 😊
Sure, the scene button needs a profile.😁
I seem to have made a mistake in my choice of words.
Still, a Gen 2 remote is worth a separate feature request, no? ;) You could use that to describe in more detail to us non-Yamahians what exactly the scene button does.

As for this request, I voted it up. Not high up in my personal list of priorities, but depending on how it might turn out, this could change pretty fast. :)
Still, a Gen 2 remote is worth a separate feature request, no? ;) You could use that to describe in more detail to us non-Yamahians what exactly the scene button does.

As for this request, I voted it up. Not high up in my personal list of priorities, but depending on how it might turn out, this could change pretty fast. :)

It may need to be the "WiiM Remote Pro" sold separately.😁
(It's like the FireTV Remote Pro.)

To explain it briefly here, you can call up any profile with a single press of the scene button.

For example, you can create two optical input s with different volume and sound modes, and switch between them at the touch of a button.

Profile 1. Volume 100%, EQ Off, Optical in
Profile 2. Volume 50%, EQ On, Optical in

When night comes, switch to profile 2. It is also possible to achieve a loudness-like effect by EQ.

My AVR remote has 8 scene buttons, which is very convenient. Personally, it would be more convenient if I could call up a scene (profile) with voice control. 😊
(Mod edit: moved from another thread)

Add the ability to define and save preset scenes. A scene is an overall configuration that can be selected for different situations including:

1. How wiims are linked together in groups (eg whole house in one group, only indoor speakers, indoor and outdoor, just the living room), including which audio channel each device delivers (stereo, L, or R or mono)

2. The EQ choices for each wiim in the group (eg, for music, for movies)

3. The volume level on each device in the group separately saved as well as the overall initial volume for the group

4. If you develop a playlist feature, the default playlist for the scene and whether it should automatically start playing when the scene is selected

5. Which input is selected (eg Bluetooth v wifi v line in)

Bonus points for an implementation that allows the scene to be controlled by API such as through a future integration with an Alexa routine or a Home Assistant automation.

Bonus points for allowing the 1-4 buttons on the remote control to select the scene instead of or in addition to a preset song

Bonus points for allowing the alarm clock feature to choose a scene when the alarm triggers

I believe this is best defined as a feature of a wiim pro/plus/amp that is in the role of controlling a group.
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Number 1 in the above list would solve my biggest usability gripe/grumble/minor annoyance. A quick one 'click' function to go from one wiim to multiple linked wiims would be great. I have a whole hacked together solution to achieve this outcome atbthe moment. This, admitedly plus usb out on a future wiim device, would allow me to retire the only non linkplay streamer in the house.
Perhaps one way to implement this is to use the json format to store your WiiM config. Then the app can store multiple of these files, that you can select between. This not only allows profiles to manage every single aspect of WiiMs settings, but also the files can be exported to new WiiM devices to automatically set them up in the same way.