Multiple wiim driving us nuts! How to fix this issue?


Active member
Jan 10, 2023
We have one pro and two minis the problem is all three show on the device screen I need to run them as individual units and for each unit to not see the others on the device screen. I only want to see mine not the others. Anyone know how this solve this?
Don't know why I missed this post when I posted my above reply .... what happens if you all register your WiiM's individually with different logins / e-mails for each of you and then you each log in to your own device with your own account.
I would have thought when I log into the WiiM App on my phone I'll only see the one device that's registered against that login but I don't know, maybe worth a try?
Thé Wiim apps don’t have an account log in - they just discover devices on your wifi network