Native Apple Music integration with Musickit via WiiM app?


New member
Dec 15, 2022
Is there a plan to support Apple Music intregration with Apple Musickit and not have to use Airplay2?

I would rather turn on Apple Music and not have to worry about my phone in range of wifi, or using my phone for anything else without worrying about music continuing to play in the background.
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Is there a plan to support Apple Music intregration with Apple Musickit and not have to use Airplay2?

I would rather turn on Apple Music and not have to worry about my phone in range of wifi, or using my phone for anything else without worrying about music continuing to play in the background.
The only Apple Music integration that exists is with Sonos and now Tesla

Having said that, WiiM have pulled off Amazon Music casting, so I can't doubt them anymore
I think WiiM have mentioned here or perhaps over on audiosciencereview that Apple are a hard nut to crack in terms of providing then with the bona fides that WiiM are a company that they should work with. I think Amazon Music was perhaps easier in that I understand Linkplay already had an established relationship with Amazon so both sides knew what/who they were dealing with.
I think WiiM have mentioned here or perhaps over on audiosciencereview that Apple are a hard nut to crack in terms of providing then with the bona fides that WiiM are a company that they should work with. I think Amazon Music was perhaps easier in that I understand Linkplay already had an established relationship with Amazon so both sides knew what/who they were dealing with.
Apple are very selective.

They smartly partnered with Sonos early due to the size of Sonos at the time.

Tesla and Mercedes are only a recent additions.

That's about the entire list of Apple Music integration.
I think WiiM is well on its way to becoming big enough to capture Apple's attention, though it may take a few years. I'm not going back to Sonos, for sure.
Apple are very selective.

They smartly partnered with Sonos early due to the size of Sonos at the time.

Tesla and Mercedes are only a recent additions.

That's about the entire list of Apple Music integration.
Well, Apple is opening the kimono a bit to other players...

I'm not familiar enough with the MusicKit SDK/API or where it's headed, but WiiM/LinkPlay would be a plausible channel for a broader adoption of Apple Music services. Especially since Apple appears to be seriously interested in having these services thrive and grow revenue for Apple in their own right, rather than being mere underfunded appendages to the hardware business.
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For all we know, they're there already. And maybe have been for some time...

At any rate, they should be.
MusicKit has been around a while now and I've only seen a couple integrations pop up since - Tesla and Mercedes.

Maybe @WiiM Support @WiiM Team can share if MusicKit allows full Apple Music integration?

Including up to bit perfect 24/192k music on Apple Music

Or if there are limitations to MusicKit preventing this?

It would be another game changer by WiiM/LinkPlay
A cursory look at the MusicKit and Apple Music API documentation doesn't address resolution, so it's a fair assumption that if the receiving hardware is capable of high-res content handling, and the ALAC codec is supported -- both of these are true for WiiM devices -- then high-res should be possible. The SDK and API enable an application to authenticate the user, access his/her Apple music assets, and perform playback functions. I don't see anything that would technically disqualify functionality on the WiiM Pro from fully acting as an application proxy for Apple Music services -- including high-res and (theoretically) Atmos, etc. at least passthrough -- and allowing content streaming directly to the endpoint. If WiiM can pull this off, I'd be inclined to replace my current music streaming services with Apple Music.
A cursory look at the MusicKit and Apple Music API documentation doesn't address resolution, so it's a fair assumption that if the receiving hardware is capable of high-res content handling, and the ALAC codec is supported -- both of these are true for WiiM devices -- then high-res should be possible. The SDK and API enable an application to authenticate the user, access his/her Apple music assets, and perform playback functions. I don't see anything that would technically disqualify functionality on the WiiM Pro from fully acting as an application proxy for Apple Music services -- including high-res and (theoretically) Atmos, etc. at least passthrough -- and allowing content streaming directly to the endpoint. If WiiM can pull this off, I'd be inclined to replace my current music streaming services with Apple Music.
It looks too good to be so easy...
You can’t pass thru Atmos over coax or optical digital - need HDMI. I tried to love Apple Music, but no matter how many Buddy Guy and Muddy Waters albums I played - it still thinks I want to listen to Taylor Swift.:rolleyes:
You can’t pass thru Atmos over coax or optical digital - need HDMI.
All the more reason not to want Atmos. I heard it briefly, and while it was initially...interesting -- like an elephant in a tutu, or the early days of stereo when producers thought it was cool to move instruments between channels during a song -- seems like it could be a flash in the pan for the vast majority of music, which won't benefit from weird effects.
I tried to love Apple Music, but no matter how many Buddy Guy and Muddy Waters albums I played - it still thinks I want to listen to Taylor Swift.:rolleyes:
Yikes! I guess Spotify or Google, which have better algorithms, may have given you some Annie Raines instead.
Much to my surprise, Amazon Music isn’t that bad. I bought the WiiM mini on a lark to try it out in HD after using LMS and Squeezelite infused Pi’s for a long time. The WiiM integrated so well with LMS even in its current state that I bought 2 more minis and a Pro and re-tasked my Pi’s. LMS/Material for local music and Radio Paradise, Alexa Cast for AMHD.
A pair of Maggie LRS’s and a Schiit Vidar will give you a wonderful not out of a box sound for a lot less than a musical sounding atmos capable system. I always told my customers - theater system for movies, stereo system for music.
And who needs Spotify when I’ve got you with the spot on suggestion to cue up Raines/Rishell after Charlie Musselwhite finishes up.
Amazon echo devices can play Apple Music...hoping the WIIM will have full native support soon!
It should be noted that Alexa support of Apple Music is voice only - there‘s no app front end or ability to cast from the apple music app to an echo, so all in all would probably offer less than what you can currently do by using airplay (or for that matter Siri) to play Apple Music on your WiiM device.
It should be noted that Alexa support of Apple Music is voice only - there‘s no app front end or ability to cast from the apple music app to an echo, so all in all would probably offer less than what you can currently do by using airplay (or for that matter Siri) to play Apple Music on your WiiM device.
The situation is the same with Google/Nest Home devices. Apple Music can be set as the default lossy music service (as can Spotify and YouTube Music) on the host, and that's about it. Apple really needs to do what people are waiting for Qobuz to deliver: a Connect functionality that will use the app on a smartphone as a control only and have the digital media sent directly from the provider's infrastructure over the Internet directly to the local device streaming it. Perversely, it's likely to be little bitty Qobuz who delivers on that well before almighty Apple does...if they ever do. I really like Apple Music (and Apple Classical), but as with Spotify (in other ways) they continually annoy me when it would be so easy for them not to. Like someone who pointedly refuses to wash their hands after retiring to the bathroom...regardless of how cute, erudite, accomplished and witty they are otherwise, after a while you just want them to go away and stop touching you.
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Can someone clarify if this is possible ?

If I use a HomePod to stream Apple music.. can I use voice command with Siri to play synced music on that home pod and a linked wiim pro?

Currently if I use my echo studio speaker - I can use Alexa to play and sync with the echo speaker and the wiim pro BUT only playing supported apps like Amazon music or pandora . If I ask it to play Apple Music on both devices it tells me Apple Music is not supported .

I’m assuming the same “Apple music is not supported “ message will occur if I try it with a HomePod and the wiim pro.

Thoughts ?