Apple Music - HDMI via App or Airplay

Dec 30, 2023
Hi, most of my music is on Apple Music including songs I've uploaded via iTunes Match. Appears I have a choice between streaming from my iPhone via Airplay or using the Apple Music app on my Samsung TV via HDMI. Which is likely to be better quality? I'm guessing the Apple Music app?

Oh and one other fairly random way would be to use my classic iPod with AirFly bluetooth device but assume that would be far worse!

Airplay 2 from the mobile Apple Music app only delivers lossy AAC, not just when casting to a WiiM device. There have been lots of posts about that both here and elsewhere

If your Samsung TV supports hi res Apple Music, that might deliver a better lossless stream.
Airplay 2 from the mobile Apple Music app only delivers lossy AAC, not just when casting to a WiiM device. There have been lots of posts about that both here and elsewhere

If your Samsung TV supports hi res Apple Music, that might deliver a better lossless stream.
From what I can make out googling, it doesn't. So don't know how they compare. Guess this is not really a WiiM issue.
Yeah, it’s an Apple/ Airplay 2 issue - maybe once (if ever) Apple come out with a proper cast/Connect feature, we’ll get true lossless over wifi from Apple Music.
From what I can make out googling, it doesn't. So don't know how they compare. Guess this is not really a WiiM issue.
Many TVs cannot support high res music (they are often limited to 48KHz), but they will be better than Airplay 2.