New to WiiM Ultra...a couple questions.


Aug 9, 2024
Just got mine yesterday:

Is there any way to change streaming source from the touch screen or do you have to use the app?

Album art is missing from most of my NAS ripped CDs. The album art shows up perfectly on my Squeeze Box Touch and Ipad. Any ideas?

I subscribe to Any chance this will be supported in the future? Any way to save a list of custom URLs to TuneIn or some other built in app?

Thanks in advance.
1. Swipe right to left on touchscreen to find and change source
2. No idea sorry I'm sure someone will help with that custom url to music services , Open network stream. Then you can set as a preset if you want
Cover art. Are you using the Ultra’s Squeezelite client or playing from the NAS some other way?
How is your album art? is it a jpg in each folder, or a embedded jpeg?
Album art are individual jpgs in each folder. I access the NAS from Home Music Share in My Library from Browse in the WiiM Home app.

How would I access Squeezelite? The documentation seems rather hit and miss.

Swiping right to left will let me change input (wifi, bluetooth, optical, etc). I want to switch streaming sources (tidal, qobuz, etc) from the touch screen.
Open the LMS web gui or iPeng on your phone and you should see it listed as a new player. There is no setup required.
If you control from iPeng or whatever then all should work as you want. You’ll even be able to play JazzRadio as you would on Touch
I actually tried iPeng (just because it was already open on my ipad). Did not seem to work before, but now it does perfectly! Jazz radio plus all album art! Starting to really like this!
I actually tried iPeng (just because it was already open on my ipad). Did not seem to work before, but now it does perfectly! Jazz radio plus all album art! Starting to really like this!
It should be pretty much like your SB Touch with a smaller screen.
On JazzRadio I had an email from them saying that it would be subscription only going forward but I think it will be a unique url that you can still play through LMS.
I have a premium subscription for, so no worries for me on that. I'm guessing that the small "musical notes" icon at the top center indicates I am streaming thru squeezelite?
I have a premium subscription for, so no worries for me on that. I'm guessing that the small "musical notes" icon at the top center indicates I am streaming thru squeezelite?
No idea. Not got an Ultra
Let us have a review of Ultra with LMS after you have used it a bit
I realised it is but I hardly ever open the WiiM app - there’s no need!

I have Squeezebox Touches, thinking of getting Wiims, only upgrade is the EQ features (two pairs of different speakers, so would use a EQ profile for each one) and probably things like subscription services, radio etc.

Squeezelite support is a must, I use Pi5/picoreplayer, and Material Skin.

LMK if you think it's worth changing
I'll report back in after I have used this for a while. The instructions are rather unclear as to how all this works together, but thanks to everyone's help, looks like I have it up and doing what I want.
I want to switch streaming sources (tidal, qobuz, etc) from the touch screen.
The best I can think of is using the presets, but seeing as you need to use another app, such as tidal, qobuz, wiim home, to choose something else to play other than what the preset plays, I have to say i can't quite see where you're going with that request!
At least there are 12 presets on the screen, while only 4 on the remote.
I am planning to buy a Wiim Ultra
What action is performed after switching on the ultra?
Is it possible to set a radio station from the presets as the start stream on the Wiim Ultra?

many thanks
I am planning to buy a Wiim Ultra
What action is performed after switching on the ultra?
Is it possible to set a radio station from the presets as the start stream on the Wiim Ultra?

many thanks
You mean as an autoplay default?
I don't think so, unless it's turned on from an alarm.

You can just press a preset on the remote to start it up and play that.