Phono sound quality with Pro Plus?


Jan 21, 2025
I was hesitant to connect my turntable through my Pro Plus because of the digital conversion and I’m still evaluating the sound. I’m not sure but it may be there is better clarity, particularly in vocals-at the expense of some overall “presence”.
I’m curious to others experience with the phono sound through their Wiim.
As your turntable appears to have a built-in phono stage there is nothing specifically "phono" in this setup. The implications are exactly the same, no matter what line level source you connect, be it a CD player, an MP3 player, a tape deck, you name it.

Also, to what are you comparing this setup when you say "better clarity" and "expense of presence"? :unsure:
Well, if connect my phono preamp (mc d103 cart) directly to my amp, without involving the Wiim-that would be an analogue connection, right?
So putting the Wiim in the chain digitizes the signal -that’s going to change the sound from analogue, yes? - there’s a bunch of turntable owners that swear by analogue, I’m balancing the sound difference ( yes, there is indeed a difference) with the convenience of hooking everything up to the Wiim.
Again I was only looking for others take on the sound through the Wiim. I take it you don’t think there’s a difference.
I was hesitant to connect my turntable through my Pro Plus because of the digital conversion and I’m still evaluating the sound. I’m not sure but it may be there is better clarity, particularly in vocals-at the expense of some overall “presence”.
I’m curious to others experience with the phono sound through their Wiim.

Where do you plan to add the RIAA compensation?
Well, if connect my phono preamp (mc d103 cart) directly to my amp,
"my amp" ?
" my phono preamp" ???..
if it worked without the reason to go via the wiim...unless the idea of going via peq or rc mode with the phono stage...
Again I was only looking for others take on the sound through the Wiim. I take it you don’t think there’s a difference.
I didn't say that. But by not telling us what your are comparing in the first place, you actually presume that there must be a typical digital and a typical analogue sound, no matter what equipment in use. :) I don't buy into that.
"my amp" ?
" my phono preamp" ???..
if it worked without the reason to go via the wiim...unless the idea of going via peq or rc mode with the phono stage...
Yes, it worked without the Wiim, but the Wiim gives me on the go DSP and volume
I’m probably going to keep it on the Wiim but I was only curious about others experiences, what differences in sound they may have found
I didn't say that. But by not telling us what your are comparing in the first place, you actually presume that there must be a typical digital and a typical analogue sound, no matter what equipment in use. :) I don't buy into that.
Thank you for your response, I was actually only asking what experiences people on this site have had with turntable-amp vs turntable-Wiim-amp.
So, what’s your experience?
Yes, it worked without the Wiim, but the Wiim gives me on the go DSP and volume
I’m probably going to keep it on the Wiim but I was only curious about others experiences, what differences in sound they may have found
(you didn't answer my questions) ..but clearly...except to use the your case,
it doesn't make much sense..
AD (low quality) /DA .... more on the signal...
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To make any digitization wary vinyl lover’s head explode:
My four way loudspeaker system has digital crossovers. And yes I have a turntable. And no, I do not use my Ultra’s built in phono stage. My next system upgrade will probably be a better ADC than the one in the Ultra.
(you didn't answer my questions) ..but clearly...except to use the your case,
it doesn't make much sense..
AD (low quality) /DA .... more on the signal...
It’s not high end stuff- Yamaha A/V, JEC phono pre. Not sure why it matters to my question
As far as not answering questions, I originally asked about how people found the sound difference, with or without the Wiim in the signal chain from a turntable. It seemed to me like a simple ask. if you don’t use a turntable then I don’t think you can answer my question, but thanks for your theoretical response
It’s not high end stuff- Yamaha A/V, JEC phono pre. Not sure why it matters to my question
As far as not answering questions, I originally asked about how people found the sound difference, with or without the Wiim in the signal chain from a turntable. It seemed to me like a simple ask. if you don’t use a turntable then I don’t think you can answer my question, but thanks for your theoretical response
will be less respectful of the signal in your if I answered...twice... ;-)
and I have several turntables...and many elements which are attached to this use...:oops:
will be less respectful of the signal in your if I answered...twice... ;-)
and I have several turntables...and many elements which are attached to this use...:oops:
Many elements attached to its use?
The only reason to connect a turntable to the WiiM Pro Plus would be to stream to another WiiM on the network.

I have done this in my configuration for convenience since I only have one turntable and occasionally will want to listen to vinyl in another part of the house. It's worked well for me and I didn't notice any sound degradation, though I'm not doing any critical listening in this scenario.

I don't connect the turntable directly to the WiiM. I have a tape output of my receiver connected to the input of the WiiM. So my signal goes into the phono in on my receiver, out the tape output and into the WiiM to be digitized and send out the network.
The only reason to connect a turntable to the WiiM Pro Plus would be to stream to another WiiM on the network.

I have done this in my configuration for convenience since I only have one turntable and occasionally will want to listen to vinyl in another part of the house. It's worked well for me and I didn't notice any sound degradation, though I'm not doing any critical listening in this scenario.

I don't connect the turntable directly to the WiiM. I have a tape output of my receiver connected to the input of the WiiM. So my signal goes into the phono in on my receiver, out the tape output and into the WiiM to be digitized and send out the network.
indeed a case that I forget having never been confronted with it. sorry
The only reason to connect a turntable to the WiiM Pro Plus would be to stream to another WiiM on the network.

I have done this in my configuration for convenience since I only have one turntable and occasionally will want to listen to vinyl in another part of the house. It's worked well for me and I didn't notice any sound degradation, though I'm not doing any critical listening in this scenario.

I don't connect the turntable directly to the WiiM. I have a tape output of my receiver connected to the input of the WiiM. So my signal goes into the phono in on my receiver, out the tape output and into the WiiM to be digitized and send out the network.
Thanks for the response, so you must like the sound of the turntable through the Wiim.Do you find it changes the sound vs direct hookup of the turntable to the amp?
To make any digitization wary vinyl lover’s head explode:
My four way loudspeaker system has digital crossovers. And yes I have a turntable. And no, I do not use my Ultra’s built in phono stage. My next system upgrade will probably be a better ADC than the one in the Ultra.
Wow, a better ADC! I was just getting my head around DACs
Another rabbit hole!😀