Problem z Tidal Connect


Feb 4, 2024
Do you also have the impression that when you listen to songs via Tidal Connect, after a while the Wiim application takes over and Tidal stops working?
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Do you also have the impression that when you listen to songs via Tidal Connect, after a while the Wiim application takes over and Tidal stops working?
What do you mean by "takes over"?

Both the Tidal App and the WiiM Home App are control apps for the WiiM device. They both shows what is playing on the WiiM as long as they are connected.
Do you also have the impression that when you listen to songs via Tidal Connect, after a while the Wiim application takes over and Tidal stops working?
Nothing like that is happening. Sometimes the Tidal application itself may hang or have problems, and then there is a message on the device (phone, tablet, etc.) that it has been disabled.
Co masz na myśli mówiąc „przejmuje”?

Zarówno Tidal App, jak i WiiM Home App są aplikacjami sterującymi dla urządzenia WiiM. Obie pokazują, co jest odtwarzane na WiiM, o ile są połączone.
The Wiim app is just showing what is currently playing and Tidal seems to hang.
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Yes. I have seen it both ways. Probably an issue with the Tidal Connect protocol that is not meant to be used by two different devices at the same time.
Hmm, I have used tidal on 3 (android) devices all connected to the same wiim with no issues.
I have the same issue with my Heos device. Hence I believe it is not related to Wiim.
Hmm, I have used tidal on 3 (android) devices all connected to the same wiim with no issues.
Yes. This Tidal app and WHA at the same time. For me the WHA don't update the current playing when I open it. Skipping to next track will resolve this.