
I still think qobuz has a problem with this prices.
What about the AI recommendations for discovering new music? What about the library come in the same level als Tidal or Spotify?
Is the sound really better?
There is a magazine ok..but is that worth the price I'm paying more then for instance Tidal?
I want to keep Tidal that's for sure and if you have to pay 18,99 additional it will be much..too much one could say.
Tidal was more expensive before but they did adapt their price points and that's a very good thing .
But qobuz seems not to adapt anything..no connect, library lesser content, recommendations maybe not that good..and ofcourse recommendations of this smaller library.

Dont they think they have a problem? Do they think they can make a profit this way?
Do they see Spotify pro is coming too?
Dont they think they have to adapt..if you go on this way how will this end for them i wonder..
I dont have any problem paying for content and if Spotify pro cost 5 Euro more om willing to Pay.
But doesn't qobuz see their competitors?
Dont they see Tidal did change their prices drastically?
Is the sound really better then Tidal or is it so the people who have qobuz want to hear it's better do to this prices..
One did choose for qobuz and I pay a premium price for it.so it will be better then Tidal..in this manner..if you know what I mean..
They even call it studio quality don't know what that means.
What I do know they have a problem making profit this way they will be in the niche and stay there if they cant adapt.. that's what I think.

Yes I want to pay and I want to pay for good quality but they have to look at the other big players in the market and adapt to it..
Their library,AI recommendations, connect functionality most be at least on par with the rest..

What did happen often when companies dont wont the change within new circumstances..
Dont they think there is a risk..?
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Or am I totally wrong?
What sets them so distinctively apart from the rest.
Audio quality way better? How come..
But says who..I can imagine qobuz subscribers say so.
But is it really the case?..I have big doubts about this..says someone who hasn't used qobuz yet .

But ok I'm standing with my point of they don't adapt it will be hard for them making profit..
Or they always stay in the niche..
It's about time for the connect functionality..they talk about it but qobuz still wont deliver..
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I don't understand your monologue. Both Tidal and Spotify cost €10.99/month here in Germany, Qobuz costs €12.49/month. That's not as big a difference as you're trying to make out here. But Spotify doesn't even offer CD quality, only MP3.
I don't understand your monologue. Both Tidal and Spotify cost €10.99/month here in Germany, Qobuz costs €12.49/month. That's not as big a difference as you're trying to make out here. But Spotify doesn't even offer CD quality, only MP3.

Thank for your reply.
Spotify quality no way compared to qobuz you're absolutely right.
But don't you forget Tidal has changed their prices and offers more and excellent audio quality too. Spotify pro is coming?
Why does qobuz charge me on their website 15,99 and through the app 18,99?
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Ontbhe website they say 15,99..whats happening here..?
View attachment 17616
The Apple and Google play stores add their cut on top of any purchase, so that’s why I always advise users to subscribe via a browser. Plus using the app can mean you miss out on any deals such as a cheaper rate for Prime customers for Amazon Music.
The Apple and Google play stores add their cut on top of any purchase, so that’s why I always advise users to subscribe via a browser. Plus using the app can mean you miss out on any deals such as a cheaper rate for Prime customers for Amazon Music.

I strongly belief that if you pay via the ios app with your Apple acount or via the Android app with your Google account this is added by Apple or Google.

Thanks very much..so that's why..I was wondering how could this be.
Unbelievable what Google charges for this😮😮😡
So if I want to subscribe for a free Trail I better use the website..

But still it's no 12,49..
How is this possible???
They do advertise with 13,50.. what are they doing here😮😮?
I mean 15,99 is way more..

Thanks very much..so that's why..I was wondering how could this be.
Unbelievable what Google charges for this😮😮😡
So if I want to subscribe for a free Trail I better use the website..

But still it's no 12,49..
How is this possible???
They do advertise with 13,50.. what are they doing here😮😮?
I mean 15,99 is way more..

View attachment 17620
It is only €12.49 if you pay annually.
It is only €12.49 if you pay annually.
Ok..but I don't want this..thanks for your help.

I want to pay monthly.
Tidal does change me 10,99 I don't have to pay for a year.
It's still way more expensive then Tidal..
I can't see why this isn't a problem for them.
Spotify pro is coming..with full functionality and high Res quality too.
It seems to me they don't look at their competitors..
Better audio quality with qobuz?..sorry I have my doubts.
But ok I don't have to choose for qobuz this way I won't sorry..
I can't see why I have to pay more and how they set themselves very apart from Tidal..or lets say Spotify pro.

Recommendations are important to me. Discovering new music..a very big library and connect functionality.
But again I have the choice..no qobuz for me then.
Spotify will recommend you artists which they do not know themself. They will even create artists especially for your and your taste. Great new world.
But I don't have bad experiences with this recommendations on Spotify or Tidal..
Big question is why should I pay more if Tidal offers me a lot what I'm happy about. And I think I'm not standing alone on this.
But ok says someone who hasn't used qobuz that's what I must say..but to be honest they can't convince me setting them far apart or offer better,more then Tidal.
But maybe I'm missing something here..
can confirm that the price differences you see are because of the iMob/alphabet monster skimming off the top. this has been huge in the past few years - see the whole ongoing legal battles with Epic Games vs Apple over the fortnite crap. 🤔

@wiimamp user i agree with you - if you don't see the extra value in qobuz then you should stick to it. i do kinda miss having videos and lyrics in the same app when i was on tidal. also some people like podcasts in their music app as well - so if that's you then don't change.

there are a lot of us out there that think qobuz sounds the best though - it's included in all these reviews of streaming services as "best for hi-res/audiophiles" and tbh i don't think qobuz has the budget to pay all these people off! (could be wrong and maybe that's why connect is delayed for so long!! 🃏)

and yeh, tbh the future is bleak for deezer, pandora, qobuz. the same would be true for apple music, amazon, youtube, if they didn't have the massive companies behind them willing to make a loss for a while. but like @RVG1895 says, who even needs real artists anymore - they'll just get AI artists to do it all 🤦‍♂️:ROFLMAO:
The artist:" i did it all the lyrics, music myself" but with maybe with little bit of help🎶🎶of AI friends 🎶🎶😄

Dave Bowman: Stop imittating and improving my art HAL.
HAL: I'm sorry, Dave. I'm afraid I can't do that.
Dave Bowman: What's the problem?
HAL: I think you know what the problem is just as well as I do.
Dave Bowman: What are you talking about, HAL?
HAL: This mission is too important for me to allow you to jeopardize it.🎶🎶😄😄🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶

But ok you're right according to audio quality you will have to experience it before you can say something about it.
But quality with Tidal I'm very pleased with and we will see what Spotify pro has to offer later.

I think qobuz has to think about the new circumstances and if they don't..it looks bleak for them I think.
How do you play qobuz on the Wiim amp?
At least u can give it a try..
Is Chromecast reliable in high res streams?

I did choose for the month free Trail..lets try qobuz..im curious if I will like it.

I think i can talk about it but i will have to try it myself..

Who helps me..how can I play my music on the wiim amp?
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Let's put it this way..
If Spotify doesn't come up with high Res..
I will keep qobuz.

Have the free Trail now..music playing on the wiim amp.
If Spotify won't deliver on high res I cancel Spotify and will support qobuz.

Hopefully qobuz connect will be soon available.
From what I hear now..music sounds very good.
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