Just a few further remarks:
- Can I control the volume using my Samsung TV remote or my Chromecast one? Do I need to use HDMI ARC for it?
The Ultra comes with its own Bluetooth LE remote. You
can control the volume using your TV remote, but only if it's connected through HDMI, using the ARC port and with HDMI CEC enabled.
The TV remote won't work for any other source like phono input or streaming services controlled by the Ultra and if you connect the TV through optical.
- How well does the Room Correction, how does it compares to something like MiniDSP and can it helps when an speaker is further away than the other ( stereo imbalance ) ?
As of now, there is no per-channel delay setting, so you can't explicitly correct for different listening distances.to the left and the right speaker. You can delay the subwoofer output or (more likely required) the main speakers output to enable smooth integration.
RC uses the same set of 10 PEQ filters that are available for manual PEQ, the RC process automatically chooses center frequcies, gain and Q factor. So far RC uses peak filters only, while manual PEQ also provides high shelf and low shelf filters.
By default PEQ settings are applied to both channels (Stereo PEQ mode). Manual PEQ allows you to switch to L/R PEQ mode, where you can apply different saved PEQ settings to the left and the right speaker. WiiM have developed that same feature for automatic RC, too, but it's been withdrawn later on. We are told that independent channel RC is about to come back soon, though.
From the above you can conclude that different PEQ settings can be saved under different names, so flipping between them is fast and easy. The PEQ setting created by the RC wizard is always named "Auto" (but you can rename it later on, e.g. before starting a new RC measurement).
Each input can have its own PEQ setting, which can be useful, probably in particular for the ...
- How well does the phono works and how does it compares to like a small phono box?
... phono input. Generally I rate it on par with the typical <$150 phono pre-amps. Noise performance isn't stellar, but well good enough for what the medium has to offer, if you are using a moving magnet cartridge. High-Output MC pickups are fine, too, as long as they are intended to be used with an MM input (like e.g. the Donon DL-110).
The input can be switched to MC using the WiiM Home app but I wouldn't consider doing that. There is no documentation regarding the input resistance and noise rises beyond acceptable limits, if you ask me.
Now, what really sets the WiiM Ultra apart from other value phono stages is the ability to create a PEQ or GEQ setting just for the phono input! If you find your pick-up too bright or too dark sounding when connected to the Ultra you can simply compensate for that using EQ. Since this setting can be directly assigned to the phono input, it will be applied automatically as soon as you select this input. Likewise, if you switch on the TV and the Ultra automatically changes to the HDMI input, it will also apply the EQ setting associated with HDMI automatically.
This is very cool and a feature normally found with much higher priced gear, only. Regarding RC there is just one last step missing. Right now you can only ever apply one EQ setting, either the Auto setting or your manually crafted setting, e.g. to optimise your phono cartridges performance, be it a graphical equaliser (GEQ) or PEQ setting. So, either you have to combine these settings into one (phono specific + RC) manually or you simply lose RC with your custom EQ.
Things would be close to perfect if we could just apply our sound manipulation EQ on top of RC EQ. See e.g. this very useful feature request:
I use the the room correction feature with a flat target curve. Sometimes I’d like a little bass lift or “loudness” when listening at low volume or a thin sounding recording. It would be great having the possibility to apply any of the predefined (or custom) GEQ profiles on top of a saved auto...