"recently played"


Major Contributor
Oct 22, 2022
I have already shared this with your support several times...
there is still no way to clear "recently played"
everything accumulates...
a "keep the last day?" "keep last week?" "keep last month?"
for example...
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I have already shared this with your support several times...
there is still no way to clear "recently played"
everything accumulates...
a "keep the last day?" "keep last week?" "keep last month?"
for example...
Thanks for your suggestion, we will improve it in this month.
Wow. If You are that nice could You also allow user to rearrange homescreen? I would love to have sources on the top and also have ability to change sources' order :)
what I suggest responds more to the correction of an oversight-bug...

(the only way currently to empty is a complete reset of the wiim)
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Wow. If You are that nice could You also allow user to rearrange homescreen? I would love to have sources on the top and also have ability to change sources' order :)
It will take much time to do that and I will add it to our to-do list first, then will discuss the ETA internally.
the possibility of cleaning in "recently played" has finally appeared....
better... thsnk you ;-)

But to be honest, I'm a little disappointed.
we could hope for a function a little more intelligent than just being able to clean the pieces one by one...
for those who really use the wiim it will quickly become very tedious ...

to enrich quickly it seems to me...
"keep last week , last day, empty all...."
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it advances on the "recently played" side..
can be used to find things to listen to but it makes it possible to erase the entries.. for the moment it remains entry by entry
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I agree. Deleting tracks one by one is tedious and nearly impossible if you listen to a lot of music. The accumulated tracks are hundreds and hundreds.
It would be enough to add the possibility of selecting everything by ticking a special box.
This way you could delete everything in one fell swoop.
I agree. Deleting tracks one by one is tedious and nearly impossible if you listen to a lot of music. The accumulated tracks are hundreds and hundreds.
It would be enough to add the possibility of selecting everything by ticking a special box.
This way you could delete everything in one fell swoop.
Hi Team,

Thank you for your great suggestion. We'll add the "bulk edit" in our future App release. Please stay tuned!
I have another idea to improve the WiiM Home App.
It's about the album list. The only way albums are sorted is by Album Name. If, like me, one has a thousand albums in the library, it becomes difficult to find one. It is not always possible to remember the exact name of the album.
Options to sort albums should be added.
e.g. it would be very useful to be able to sort the albums also by:
Last added
Artist name
For this reason I end up not using WHA, but I use the native App (AMU) because it has the aforementioned possibilities to sort the albums
Thanks for your suggestion, we will improve it in this month.
Hi Team,

Thank you for your great suggestion. We'll add the "bulk edit" in our future App release. Please stay tuned!
somes news?

I think, like others, that improving, optimizing """modestely""" the firmwares, the wiim home etc. what we already have, will still be the priority before adding news bigs "bonus" features * (and their cortege of bugs etc. which will necessarily join them... see may crash what is currently working correctly)

*(which in addition does not arrive and only create frustration)
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for who uses wiim home ... it seems to me that will be really very useful ....:oops:
it seems to have been forgotten
(i don't think it's a specific need like everyone "brings it to the table"...
certainly not essential,
but concerns the vast majority of wiim home users)
can be before the "big projects" s not necessarily addressed to many people .... long to implement or even not being able to succeed in reality ...
""modestly"", can be debugger (like the eq mode) or optimize wiim home etc ... what already exists ... will be a good thing
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Hi Canard,

Regarding the bulk edit of "Recently Played", I think we'll modify the current UI shortly. I'll ensure it'll be added to our next sprint. Please stay tuned! Thank you!
Hi Canard,

Regarding the bulk edit of "Recently Played", I think we'll modify the current UI shortly. I'll ensure it'll be added to our next sprint. Please stay tuned! Thank you!

The date displayed in "Recently Played" is very obtrusive. Not before. It just takes up space in vain.😔
